~3~ Fucking mornings

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still 3rd person

Kirishima woke up to the bickering, he still had his head on Bakugou so it wasn't him talking. Kirishima lifted his head to see who was chatting, as he turned around he seen Sero and Kaminari.

"What are you guys doing?" He yawned. Their heads slowly turned around to see the sleepy Kiri.

"He's calling me heavy." Kami pouted.

"I didn't! I said you just don't flop onto people like that!" Sero fought back. "Plus if I thought you where heavy I wouldn't have been able to carry you so there!"

"WELL YO--" Kaminari cut himself off then looked over to Sero confused. "Wait you can carry me?" Kaminari asks.

"Yes dumb-ass." Sero playfully rolled his eyes. "You're one of the lightest people I know."

"What time is it?" Kirishima groggily asked rubbing his eyes and letting his head fall onto Bakugou again.

"Like...half 3 am, What were you guys doing?" Sero responded then asked moving his eyebrows up and down.

"N-nothing, not what you think anyway." Kiri blushed shaking his arms in front of himself.

"Sure...." Sero smilied, lifting up Kaminari.

"HANTA WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" He screeched, Sero just laughed.

"You're gonna wake Bakugou." Kirishima mumbles looking at the sleeping blond.

"TELL HIM TO PUT ME DOWN!" Kaminari shouted embarrassed with the slightest blush, flailing his arms around as if he was trying to grab someones attention.

"No, just keep it down." Kirishima yawned.

"Put me down."



"Haha, nope."



"Okay you proved it I'm not heavy now let me down." Kami begged.

"You guys are idiots." Kiri giggled.

"Welcome to the squad!" Kaminari laughed slightly still trying to get down.

"The BakuSquad!" Sero added laughing, he let Kami down, he just lay on the ground staring at the ceiling, all of them still laughing/ chuckling, Sero walked over and turned off the light, not remembering when it was turned on.

"You guys are so fucking loud!" Bakugou shouts startling Kirishima, he raised his head and looked at Bakugou.

"Well sorry Mr 'I hate sleeping and when i get sleep i'm grumpy' Kaminari mocks, as a reply Bakugou growls.

"Stupid fuckers can I get any peace?"

"Why don't you go to your dorm?" Sero suggests, Bakugou thinks about it for a second. He looks at Kaminari then Sero then Kirishima, Kirishima's eyes where screaming no.

"1, I'm to tired. 2, My room is normally cold." Bakugou was going to say something about last night but stopped himself, he didn't think Kirishima would've wanted him to tell anyone "3, reasons."

"Let's all just get back to sleep, yeah?" Kirishima asks not taking his eyes of Bakugou. He was smiling at the fact he stayed if it was anyone else he would not have stayed or he would've went to is dorm at any chance he got, Kirishima lowered his head again back onto Bakugou's chest.

"Wake me one more fucking time I swear." Is all Bakugou says harshly.

"One more?" Kami asks

"When Sero yelped and hit the lights." Bakugou yawned making Sero yawn.

"Shit, I turned them on?" Sero asked staring at the light switch.

"Yes dumbass now fucking sleep." Bakugou closed his eyes and faced the ceiling again.

"I'll ask you more later Kirishima." Kami said trying to do an evil laugh, it got interrupted by Sero throwing a pillow at him.

"Sleep." Sero said laying next to Kami.

"I'm not tired." He declared, Sero looked at him and rolled his eyes.

"Sure... Let's give it a moment." Kirishima yawned.

"How about-" yawn "-no."

"He needs some dumb fuck juice." Sero laughed.

Fucking mornings.

Over to the girls.

"Hey Uraraka?" Tsuyu asked.

"Yeah?" She asked looking at the tv.

"I think Bakugou likes you."

(Just to clarify I don't not ship Bakugou with anyone but Kirishima I just didn't know what to add here while writing it)

"What?!" She asked shocked bringing her attention to the frog.

"I wouldn't say he has a crush on you but you guys did dance together." Momo said looking down to her 'soulmate' for an agreement. Jiro looked at her confused then she realized why she was looking at her.

"Well true but I think he likes someone else." Jiro said turning down her music.

"True." Mina said mindlessly.

"Oh, so he does like someone?" Jiro asked.

"Huh? Oh. Well I think so?" Mina responded.

"Who?" Uraraka asked.

They were all sitting in Momo's room it was cramped from room but the bed was massive so they all layed on that. (I added a TV in this shit) The tv was on the desk playing mean girls.

"I don't want to say, Bakugou would kill me."Mina said thinking of an excuse.

"Fair enough." Hagukure laughed.

"Let's talk about others soulmates, or even ours!" Uraraka suggested, all the girls nodded their heads.

For the fuck of it I wanted to add some of the other charters into it I only had a few in my old book so...

The Sound Of You. (Bakugou X Kirishima) BakushimaWhere stories live. Discover now