~9~ I didn't deny it.

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~Over to Bakugou~

Bakugou wiped the sweat from his forehead as he sat down and took a drink of water, it's better to work out and leave it for a while, because if you work out to much you're not going to build muscle you're just going to be sore. The reason you wait is to let the muscle you 'ripped' heal, because he was sweating a few explosions appeared every once and a while not damaging anything.

(I do know what i'm talking about but i'm bad with words.)

Sighing he decided to work out tomorrow again. He got up looking around his room and grabbing things to take a shower and left it on his bed, he put his towel around his neck. Bakugou opened his door and left finishing his bottle of water an throwing it in the bin.

"Hey Bakubro!" Mina called walking over to Bakugou.

"What bug eyes?" He asked not in the mood.

"Well, you know your best bud?"

"I don't have a 'best bud'." Bakugou said walking on, Mina stood in front of Bakugou crossing her arms.

"You might actually want to listen to her." Earphone-jack said walking beside Mina.

"Hurry the fuck up then!" Bakugou spat, his famous scowl on his face.


"Shitty-hair." Bakugou said less... irritated? I think.

"Yeah well him, anyway he came over and had a conversation with us, lets just say..." Jiro covered Mina's mouth.

"Wait do you like Kirishima?" Bakugou glared at her, when really he was confused and kinda froze.


"Why the fuck do you want to know?!" He yelled.

"Jeez, calm down, hot-headed much?"

"Only realizing now earphone-jack?"

"....Okay, You didn't deny it." Mina said removing Jiro's hand from her mouth, Confused, He stared at the girls for a second then down to his wrist, then back at the girls his confused expression was replaced with anger as he pushed past the girls and walked to his dorm again.

(he was gonna get another drink)

Bakugou grabbed his stuff and walked into the bathroom (with a shower).
He stripped off and hopped into the cold water, his hair was still standing up but some of it fell.

"Why didn't I deny it?" He asked enraged punching the wall.

'The truth.'

"Well no shit." Bakugou growled washing his hair and turned up the heat on the water.

"Wait fuck it isn't." He sighed.

I can't like the stupid fucker, his smile it's so am- ANNOYING, I WAS GOING TO SAY ANNOYING! Now his in my fucking head, that little prick is to happy, even his fake smiles are decent. When he was crying I didn't know what I was doing, plus crying doesn't suit him at all.

I DIDN'T FUCKING DENY IT! Bakugou's mind screamed, The girls better keep their mouth shut or i'm fucked. Fuck if they tell him i'll kill them and then myself.

~time skip~

Bakugou is finished drying off, besides his hair and getting changed, he didn't wear a top because it was far to warm. He was going to enjoy his cold room.

Bakugou picked up the stuff he was wearing beforehand and left it in the wash basket then he left his dorm to get a quick snack towel over his head. By the time he was finished getting a snack a few people where now watching TV. Mina and Jiro where sitting watching TV talking to Kaminari, Sero and Kirishima, he (Kirishima) and Bakugou shared a glance as Bakugou walked by and into his dorm, tomorrow was washing day anyway. Times like this Bakugou is glad to have a cold room.

"Kirishima you're blushing!" Denki laughed.

"S-shut up!" Kirishima said covering his face.

"Oh yeah I forgot about him." Mina said looking down the hallway as Bakugou closed the door. "Oh yeah, he didn't deny it." She said thinking back to the conversation.

"What?" Sero asked as Kami got his own charger and started charging his phone.

"Bakugou didn't deny it." Mina repeated, Jiro face palmed.

"We where talking to Bakugou earlier, before he took a shower like 15 minutes ago." Jiro said then smiled. "We asked him did he like Kirishima, he didn't give us an answer so I asked it again and he shouted why do you want to know, well something along the lines of that." Kirishima smiled at the news

"Why did you ask?!" Kirishima asked.

"Because Mina wanted to know if her hunch was right. And it turns out she was right."

"Now it's a matter of who confesses to who first!" Mina cheered.

"Well t-that gives me the advantage...." Kirishima studdered and tried to sound happy.

"We could find a way or just let you guys do it whenever." Jiro said playing with her earphone-jack.

"A-alright, thanks girls, See ya later Sero and Kaminari!" Kirishima said getting off the sofa and jogged to his dorm.

"He's not going to confess is he?" Mina asked.

"Nope." Sero chuckled.

"They're both doomed." Mina said, everyone in the room nodded.

The Sound Of You. (Bakugou X Kirishima) BakushimaWhere stories live. Discover now