~7~ a crush?

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I seem to fucking love 3rd person.

3rd person.

Kirishima smiled and but his phone into his back pocket and left his dorm leaving the door slight opened.

He made it over to Momo's dorm and knocked on the door, he waited a bit for an awnser.

"Kirishima! Come on in." Mina smiled grabbing his wrist and dragged him into the dorm, he nervously smiled. Kirishima didn't know all the girls from class A would be there.

"What do you want to talk about?" She asked hopping onto the bed.

"W-well Uh, I've been feeling... Weird? Like sick? My stomach keeps doing flips, even if I try doing flips with it, it doesn't help." Kirishima tried to explain.

"Why would you try do flips with it?" Mina giggled.

"I thought it would work!"

"You might be as stupid as Kaminari, I swear." Jiro shook her head.

"Do you mean like something is tickling him from the inside?" Jiro asked, Kirishima nodded his head.

"Yeah, it's weird... How'd you know?" Kirishima asked confused.

"It has happened to me." She smilied looking at Momo.


"Why are most boys so clueless?" Uraraka asked with a sigh.

"Okay someone just explain?" Kirishima asked anxious.

"You have a crush~" Mina giggled. (Froggo and invisible girl are asleep right now)

"WHAT?!" Kirishima shouted shocked.

"Who?" Uraraka asked. Kirishima looked around himself, he knows who, well he thinks he knows but he's nervous to say it.

"I'm guessing Bakugou." Mina smiled.

"Y-yes... How? ." Kirishima studdered, with a blush.

"Oh so you did know?" Momo asked.

"Nope! Just a hunch though."

"You knew before I knew." Kirishima mumbled scratching the back of his neck.

"Well I've noticed you staring at him." Jiro said laying back on her girlfriend.

"I've noticed it during the battle when you broke your arm." Mina said. "Speaking of that what happened after Bakugou left with you?"

"Well... Uh..."


Bakugou lifted Kirishima over his shoulder as Kiri hissed in pain. A few tears slid down his face as he held his wrist.

"Calm down." Bakugou Said stopping at the entrance sitting Kirishima down for a second.

"What even happened?"

"My ar-rm was shaking and my quirk didn't work." Bakugou sighed and lifted Kirishima up again barging into the recovery room.

"He did something to his arm during the fight." Bakugou explained.

*after recovery girl healed him or  some shit*

"Be careful with that arm, let it rest. It will be healed by tomorrow if you don't do anything to damage it more."

With that Kirishima and Bakugou left the room.

Flashback#2 end~

"...and after that we just went to his dorm and studied and played random stuff. Oh he also helped me with my homework." Kirishima smiled.

"Cute! I don't think anyone has been in his room." Uraraka thought aloud.


"No? Me Sero and Kami have been in his room a few times most times we hang at Sero's or my dorm." Kirishima said looking down at the floor.

"Ok, What exactly is a crush?" Kirishima asked, the girls looked at him as if he had 5 heads. "NO I'M NOT THAT STUPID! I get what it means but I've never had a... proper crush?"

"Oh! I was worried for a second I thought you where as stupid as Kaminari." Jiro laughed.

"Okay I have a few questions before we actually say you have a crush." Momo joined in, Kirishima sighed.

"This better not be like a test." 

"No, no, no it's just a few questions." Momo giggled.

Sorry it's short I got bored.

Wow nobody besides the person I tagged voted on that page. 10/10

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