Chapter 12: Battle at Sokyoku Hill i

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Byakuya was looking straight at me with a fixed gaze. His dark blue eyes not moving even the slightest. 

"Why did you... bring me here..?"

"You know you're suppose to be my new wife, right?"

"Yes.." I blushed, looking down. "But.. "

"But what?"

"Do you even love me..?" 

Byakuya's expression softened, and he gently placed his hand on my cheek. 

"Hisana... I do love you. Ever since we were children." 

"Then.. why did you almost kill me?" Tears were falling down. "If you love someone, you don't kill them or harm them!" 

His facial expression got softer, however, I wasn't sticking around any longer. I stood up, grabbing my zanpoktou, and left the room. Byakuya was in tow, reaching out to me. 

"Hisana! Don't go!" 

"Byakuya Kuchiki, until you change and perhaps even show even the slightest bit of remorse for your sister, Rukia, I am not staying here or anywhere near you."

I flash stepped off, running through the Soul Society. I looked around for Ichigo. His spiritual pressure was being masked, I believe. 

Ichigo.. where are you? 

I faintly sensed Uryu, Ganju, Chad, and Orihime's Spiritual Pressures. Captain Kenpachi Zaraki and Lieutenant Yachiru Kurusuji were with them. I appeared in from of them all, and they were all shocked to see me. "Hisana!" 

"Why are you four wearing Shikashos?" 

"Rukia's execution's been moved up!" 


"There was originally three days, but they moved it up to today!" 

"Where's Ichigo..?!" 

"We don't know.." 

"I don't know where Ichi is.." Yachiru sighed. "But I'm sure Kenny would like to find him again!" 

"Captain Aizen died too.." She spoke once more. 

"How did Aizen die? I faintly sense him... there's.. no way... No way he died.." 

"Hurry! To Sogoyoku Hill!" 


Rukia stood before the captains that were present on Sogoyoku Hill. Head Captain Yamamoto of Squad 1, Captain Soi Fong, Squad 2 and head of the Punishment Force, Captain Retsu Unohana of Squad 4, and Captain Shunsui Kyoraku of Squad 8 were present. As Rukia was being hoistered up towards the top of the area to be executed, Head Captain Yamamoto looked up at her. "Rukia Kuchiki.. Do you have any last words?"

"Yes.. just one." She drew in a breath. 

"Can you please see to it that my friends here to rescue me are sent back to their homes safely?"

"That will be done." 

She smiled, and sighed with peace in mind. "Thank you." 


Captain Kyoraku looked down at his lieutenant, Ise Nanao, and whispered: "This is pretty sad.. whenever her friends here to save her are all going to more than likely be killed..."

"It's a way to make sure that she passes on peacefully.." Captain Unohana said, looking back at Captain Kyoraku and Lieutenant Nanao. 

The seal to the Sokyoku was broken and a big beam of red-orange light was given off, followed by large sears of flames. 

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