Chapter 14: Betrayal

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On the other side of the Seritei, Renji and Rukia were stopped by Captain Tosen of Squad 10. "Captain Tosen, step aside.." Renji tried to get by, but he wouldn't move. Captain Ichimaru also stood in the way. "Sorry kiddo, but Captain Aizen needs to see ya. " 

"Captain Aizen?! I thought he was dead!" Then, Captain Tosen flash-stepped everyone over to Sogoykou Hill, and we all stared in awe as Aizen stood there with Captains Ichimaru and Tosen. "Captain Aizen...? You're suppose to be dead!" 

He grimaced. "On the contrary. I decieved all of you. Now, Renji. Give me Rukia." 

"Like hell I will! Gah!" Aizen slashed Renji and he collapsed, dropping Rukia. 

"L-Let me go!" She began to fidget. "Rukia!!" Ichigo hollered, running in the direction of Aizen. "Let her go!" 

The same thing happened to Ichigo, Aizen cut him down without hesitation. He looked in my direction. "Lady Kusonarii. It seems you've managed to foil all of my plans by mere escape. Witness as you're about to watch something that you've never heard of unfold." 

Aizen used some strange kido and pushed his hand through Rukia's chest. Out came a strange object unlike anyone has seen. Before Aizen could do anything else, he was surrounded by the Punishment Force, Captain Soi-Fong, and Yourichi in her normal form. "Make one move Aizen and you're dead. You're under arrest for treason and for throwing the entire soul society into chaos." He continued to grin. "You see, Rukia.. Kisuke Urahara had a gegi set aside with this object placed inside where it could not be detected, and he used that gegi for you when you gave your powers to Ichigo Kurosaki. Why else do you think you went undetected by the Soul Society for so long? You were reduced to a human after all because of the hogyoku's power. Kill her, Gin. She is now of no use to me." 

"Shoot em dead, Shinso!" As the sword went to kill Rukia, Byakuya flash stepped in, taking the blow. "B-Byakuya, brother!" 

Gin then retracted Shinso and a garguanta opened, with some Menos Grande lowering their hands for the three traitorous captains. "I will be the one who stands on top the heavens. I'll be back for you, Hisana." They then disappeared and Byakuya collapsed, bleeding profusively. "Byakuya!" Rukia was extremely worried. Captain Unohana came over and began preforming healing kido on him. 

We had a potential war on our hands, and now.. what was to be done with the empty squad positions? What was going to befall on the 13 court guard squads? 

What was going to happen with Byakuya and I? 

Did he finally have a change of heart? 

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