43rd Episode

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Chief Zhao is in a troublesome sleep. He is dreaming about how he bet with Shen Wei again and again.

He can't believe himself. Even though he knows deep down himself that there's no way Shen Wei would return his feelings he still can't stop thinking about him, dreaming about him,dreaming about his beloved Xiao Wei.

Their relationship was mostly like a brotherhood. Shen Wei considered Zhao Yunlan as his best friend, benefactor. Zhao Yunlan considered Shen Wei as his dear brother.

This remained until Zhao finally realizes his true feelings. But he is too late now. Xiao Wei is no longer in this world.

Even if Shen Wei did not return his feelings, Zhao wouldn't mind it only if Shen Wei was alive.
He will tolerate any pain if only Shen Wei is still alive.

Zhao woke up from his troublesome sleep. It is still early morning. He decided to go to the SID little early.

He made some noodles along with a full glass of hot chocolate and prepared some milk for the fat fuq. He silently ate his breakfast not bothering to wake up the peacefully sleeping cat.
He took a bath and went out for his morning jog.

When Cheif Zhao returned to his apartment fat cat was fully awake.

Zhao felt like something is wrong. He walked over to Da qing and turned his face towards him.

Oh my god, this is a very rare occasion. Da qing has fresh tears in his eyes.

"Hey fat cat, what's wrong? "

"oh, it's nothing. Don't worry "

"Da qing, I know you. It's very rare for you to cry. C'mmn, tell me my ten thousand years old cat! " Zhao used a little humor to lighten the mood.

"No, it's just that you made me a milk after a long time. I thought I would never be able to drink something you made again, ever. "

"Oh dear dear, don't worry. I am still here. I would never let you go. After all I am your master! " Cheif Zhao laughed a little.

"Don't flatter yourself too much. This milk is so cold. I am not used to this."

"You know Professor Shen never gave me cold milk. Whenever he made you breakfast he made sure that there is a whole bowl of hot milk for me! "

"He is better than you" looking at Cheif Zhao's face da qing knew he said something wrong.
That face is full of sorrow.

"Yeah yeah, I know. Shen Wei is far more better than any human or god."

"hey I realized you did the things other way around. Who takes a bath before a jog! "

"I wasn't feeling well about my body smell then. I am going to have another shower. I feel stinky. "

Zhao went to the shower and cleaned himself. He wore a loose button down shirt, some ripped jeans and a pair of leather boots.

He locked his apartment and went to the underground garage along with Da qing. Zhao started his jeep and went straight to the SID.

He remembered that the new employee will be arriving soon. He asked Lin jing to welcome the new guy and entered his office silently closing the door behind him.

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