Chapter Thirteen: Mother

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The past few days had been very strange for Via to say the least. The hospital was overwhelming, at least in the beginning, and honestly, the girl had been and still was a little nervous over the entire thing. Thankfully, her friends visiting along with Toriel had calmed her down to an extent; after all, her friends were safe; they were with Toriel, and she knew the monster was safe...

         "Viola Ivy Roe... Viola... Ivy... Roe..." she murmured, the pre-teen still trying to get used to the sound of her name. Ah yes, she had been given the same treatment her friends had been given, even if she wasn't aware of what had happened between the social workers and the others. During these sessions, however, they had uncovered her name, and no matter how many times the girl repeated it, the name simply sounded... Wrong. But she knew they were right. This was her name. At least, it was her legal name... But to her, she would always be Via. Just Via.

         "Good morning, Via!" The sound of someone announcing their presence caused the young patient to look towards the slight blur that was the nurse, the girl relaxing just a bit as she approached.

         "Hello," greeted the pre-teen quietly, only to watch as the familiar nurse set down her lunch for the day. Out of everyone that came into her hospital room, this particular nurse was her favorite, mostly because she didn't ask her any strange questions, gave her food, and was overall very kind to her. It... It felt good, honestly, being pampered like this. It almost made her not want to return to her old life in the woods.

         "I brought you a ham sandwich today, and some chips if you want them," the nurse informed, only to cheerfully add, "Oh! And by the way, your glasses are here! They came in much quicker than I'd thought!"

         Already, the girl was intrigued as she looked towards the nurse with sparkling green eyes. She'd been happy to learn that she was getting glasses, especially considering she remembered how it felt to borrow Frisk's. Of course, her eyesight had still been bad with Frisk's glasses, but it had been better than nothing. But the nurse had told her that she was receiving her own pair of glasses made just for her, and that made her feel quite good honestly.

         "Close your eyes, and don't open them until I tell you to, okay?" requested the woman, Via complying by doing just that. When she felt the accessory get slipped onto her face, the girl cringed a bit, but eventually brought up her hands to adjust them. And then, she was given the go to open her eyes.

         The clearness of her vision quickly shocked the girl, who blinked a few times as she tried to process what she was seeing. She knew the world was colorful, for she'd seen these colors herself. She'd just hardly ever seen these colors get separated properly, and it felt good to know that now, with this tool, she could see like everyone else. "...It's ...Beautiful ...Is this what everyone else sees...?"

         "Mhm!" replied the nurse as she gave her a smile, revealing pearly white teeth that Via now had a clear view of. "Just about everyone at least. You're lucky those came in so early! Otherwise, you would've had to wait for them to get delivered to your mother!"

         Quickly, Via's attention was caught once again, though this time, she sounded more confused than happy. "...My mother...?"

         "Yeah, your mother! Didn't you hear? Or did they not tell you yet?" asked the woman with a frown, concern evident as she watched Via's expression. When Via questioned if the nurse had actually meant Toriel, all she could do was sigh and shake her head. "No, sweetie. Your real mother... She's alive. And I know you have amnesia, darling, but you have a mom out there who loves you very much, and I'm sure she'll be happy to see you."

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