Chapter Twenty-Four: Rezzie

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The rest of the day went by rather quickly, and soon enough, after all of the schooling was said and done, the children had piled into Toriel's car, ready to head home after such a long day. Toriel of course was happy that everyone seemed less afraid of the vehicle now and even knew to apply the seatbelt; maybe the new car had helped with that? She didn't know. She was just glad that everyone was getting along, and now it was finally time to leave.

         "How was school today?" Unsurprisingly, that was Toriel's first question, and already the children were coming up with their mixed answers. Well, some were, but each clearly had their opinions, and Vera wasn't afraid to share hers first.

         "It's so boring!" The huffy child quickly slumped down in her seat, arms crossed in a pout as she continued thinking about her day. "Some kids are cool, I guess, but a lot of the classes were bleh."

         "Yeah," Austin agreed, the boy tugging on his new sweater with a frown. "Learning's hard... I don't like it."

         "There's a lot of people in s-school too..." Gabriel added quietly, only to nervously fiddle with his hands.

         This news did cause Toriel to frown just a tad, but she quickly replaced it with a smile, the monster searching for some encouraging words. "School may be overwhelming at first, but I'm sure you will all grow used to it eventually," she told them, only to then focus on Austin's comment. "And Austin, I do know your grade level in particular may be a bit tough for you, but I wanted to make sure you had a buddy for class. Did you like yours?"

         Austin once again hummed before speaking, the kid seeming to perk up a tad at the mention of his buddy. "...MK's funny, but loud... But he's funny."

         "That's good." She hoped Austin would be able to pull through with his courses, and hopefully having a friend his age to work on homework with would help with this. "And I'm glad you're okay with your peers, Vera. What about you, Daya? Flare? How was school?"

         "It was okay, I guess," Flare replied, the kid also frowning before looking out the window.

         "Yeah, but it would've been better if the kids stopped calling us Rezzies." Daya's remark was one that quickly garnered everyone's attention, Frisk and Via in particular exchanging glances before looking back towards Daya.

         "Rezzies?" Already, Toriel was puzzled by the word, but it was clear that she didn't seem to like it. After all, it sounded like a derogatory nickname, and upon asking Daya to explain, she learned that her assumptions were correct.

         "Yeah. That and zombies, but then one kid was like, 'my brother calls them Rezzies,' and then everyone started calling us that," Daya stated, clearly frustrated with the whole situation.

         "Flare? Is this true?" The mother knew that she'd signed the two up to have all of their classes together, so if Flare could also confirm what Daya had been saying, then that was even more worrying.

         "Yeah-" Flare, unsurprisingly, didn't seem too happy about this herself. "Not much before, but in gym class. We got stared at a lot though. It was annoying..."

         ...That was an issue, and already, Toriel was thinking of ways to solve it. "Children, have the rest of you had problems like this?"

         "A-A little..."


         "At first, but then I shoved a kid and they left."

         "Vera, that's not nice." But, even if Toriel was going to search for ways to end this bullying, that didn't mean she approved of violence. "I understand you were defending yourself and Gabriel, but you don't have to threaten violence. That will only make things worse."

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