Chapter Eighteen: Pick an Item

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The trip back to the house thankfully hadn't taken that long considering Frisk and Flowey had been transported right where they'd been left before, so thankfully no one had been suspicious when he'd appeared with Flowey right afterwards. All it took was a quick explanation about Toriel dropping them off at her house and bam, Birnsen and the other children had bought it all. And now, the children had been left to their own devices, which, in Flowey's opinion, meant that stupidity was brewing.

         "What stupid thing are you doing now?" Flowey couldn't help but comment on Frisk's current excursions, the flower watching with leaves crossed from Austin's arms as Frisk began laying out various items. The items of course did look familiar, and upon getting a better look at them, he could pick up what the child was doing. How foolish. Did he really think this would work? Apparently he did, and of course Flowey was going to say something. "Wait- Don't tell me you think that's actually going to do anything!"

         "It's worth a shot. Besides, they'd probably want these back anyway."

         "Want what back?" Austin asked, now focused on Frisk rather than his previous task. Actually, he was more focused on the items on the coffee table, all of which seemed pretty strange to him, but all he could do really was wait for Frisk's answer.

         Frisk, of course, had no problem answering the boy's question, even if he wasn't very clear in terms of intentions. "Well in the Underground, some items got left behind by you guys, and I figured maybe you'd want them back! You all dropped two items, and thankfully, I collected all of them!" The boy then proudly spread his arms out in a grand manner as he stood above the coffee table. "Hey guys! Come look at these! Please?"

         Thankfully Gabriel, Austin, and Flare were already in the room, and Daya had merely trotted on in soon afterwards. All they had to do was wait for Vera and Via, whose footsteps were heard within seconds as they trotted down the stairs.

         "Is it food?" Vera called as she headed into the kitchen, only for their bunny monster babysitter to reply, "Not yet, but it'll be done soon! Frisk wants you guys for something real quick!"

         "Frisk? Really?" huffed the young blonde, only for Via to sigh as she picked up the smaller child and carried her into the living room. "Hey hey hey! Put me down! No fair!"

         "You wouldn't have come otherwise, so I might as well make this easier," grunted Via, only to eventually set down the child once they'd entered the living room. Nonetheless, Vera did seem a bit irritated, but she stayed with the group, thus allowing Via to then ask, "What'd you need us for?"

         "The Harry Potter nutcase wants you to pick up some items," said Flowey as he rolled his eyes, Frisk quickly stating, "Joke's on you- I like that title!" in response.

         Still smiling, Frisk then spoke again. "But yeah! I've laid out some items and it's your job to pick out two of them!"

         "This sounds like a dumb game," Vera remarked, though before she could walk off, Via had grabbed the girl's collar in order to make sure she didn't leave. "Hey! What gives?!"

         "Just do it," Via huffed, only to walk over before snatching up a torn up notebook as well as a set of cloudy glasses. "There. I made things easier. Now there are only ten items."

         For a moment, all Frisk did was stare at Via, who stared right back at him with a tired yet knowing gaze. He couldn't help but wonder if she knew something, but then another had come to quickly snatch her own items up off the table.

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