Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Starlings

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"What do you mean you're going with them?!" Flare's angry cry echoed the sentiments of most of the others as they stared Daya down, Flare in particular having blocked the girl from heading downstairs. Perhaps keeping the secret instead of being honest wasn't the best idea, but it was too late now. Daya would just have to handle her friends before she left.

"What happened to not trusting these people?! Huh?!" Vera shouted, the girl squealing when Via suddenly picked her up and pulled her away.

"Stop ganging up on Daya. She's not leaving forever-"

"Yes she is!" Flare's voice simply grew louder as her partner in yelling was pulled away, though that didn't stop Vera from continuing to yell herself. But it did clear the stairs a bit more, leaving only Flare as an obstacle. "You could've stayed but you didn't want to! What if she wants to?!"

"She'd tell us if she was leaving forever," Via sighed, already tired of the conflict at hand. "Let her go, guys."



"Children!" Toriel was at the bottom of the stairs now, watching them argue at the top with a concerned look on her face. "Let Daya pass. At the very least, please do not argue on the stairs."

...Right. The stairs. Those were dangerous to fall down. That was enough for Flare to pause, and that pause was enough for Daya to suddenly shove her worried friend to the side.

"Ow! Daya!"

"I'm going." Daya's glare seemed to cut through Flare for a moment, the younger girl pausing as she tried to think of how to react. But no words came, and the second Flare tried to act, Daya spoke again. "I didn't tell you because I knew you'd react this way! I'm not even leaving- Just visiting!"

She then began making her way down the stairs again, the kid grumbling the whole way down with only one phrase audible to the kids. "Grow up."

And unfortunately, it was a phrase that, in the end, set Flare off. Darting down the stairs, Flare gave Daya an angry shove before running back up and into her room, the door slamming behind her while Via and Vera began yelling right after her. Daya, meanwhile, had nearly been at the bottom as it was, the child falling into Toriel's arms before she could get injured in any way. "Are you alright?"

Was she alright? Physically, yes. But her feelings? Certainly not. "Fine."

Daya was on her feet again, shuffling past Toriel without acknowledging much else. By the door were Bertha and Liz, Bertha furrowing her eyebrows while Liz began to greet Daya. "...That fall could've badly hurt her, you know."

"Flare seldom acts out like this. I'll talk to her," Toriel promised.

"And I'll keep looking into their cases." Bertha's reply sounded almost cold, but she didn't do or say much else. All she did was wait until Liz began to lead Daya out the door. A few soft goodbyes were heard down the hall from the boys, but Daya didn't bother acknowledging them as she finally made her way from the house to the car, where she now resided.

"Do you remember your brother? Percy Starling?" Bertha eventually broke the long silence between them, the woman wanting to give her space before asking other possibly upsetting questions.

It did take a moment, but Daya did reply, albeit she didn't sound too happy about it. "...Little brother. I... didn't really know him well."

"Oh?" Not that Bertha didn't already know, but it was good to jog Daya's memory and get a feel for how she saw everything. "Why is that?"

"...Dad wanted him or something," Daya grumbled, pulling her knees to her chest. "So he didn't live at home. Not really... I only saw him sometimes."

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