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"I think that will be all for today, Gabriel. I have to head home now. You know Alessandra will not go to bed without me." Ronald said as he stood up from the chair behind his desk and started arranging the files on the desk.

He was trying to sort out the documents to take home for the weekend to work on and the ones to leave in the office.

"No problem, we're done with our task for the day. Jemma must be worried about me too." Gabriel replied.

"Then you better get your ass off that chair and don't keep that pregnant lady waiting," Ronald warned.

"You're right, bro, see you on Monday. My regards to Alessandra." Gabriel said as he rose to his feet and gave Ronald a goodbye hug.

"My regards to Jemma too, we will probably show up at your place this weekend," Ronald said.

"I'm sure she would appreciate that," Gabriel said before walking out of Ronald's office.

Ronald Gidwani was a successful Businessman. He was not the richest in the country but you would surely find him among the top six. He was a single father to his adorable six-year-old daughter, Alessandra.

Ronald's father passed away two years ago which leaves him with his Mom, his younger sister Elena, Alessandra, his daughter, and Gabriel his best friend.

Being the CEO of a Telecom company is not an easy task but Ronald finds his way around it. Thanks to him for being a hard worker.

Ronald was sure as hell that Alessandra, his daughter will still be awake even though it was just a few minutes to nine. She was used to him reading her a bedtime story. Hence, she will not go to bed without him tucking her.

Ronald was not used to staying late in the office. Today was an exception because he had so much to do.

Besides that, it has been raining all day. The rain got heavier in the evening and it wouldn't be a good idea to drive in that kind of weather.

As the CEO and founder of his company, Ronald had the finest, biggest, and most expensive office in the building.

After sorting the documents, he kept the ones he would be taking home inside his brown leather briefcase. He reached for his mobile phones and kept them in his pocket, then exited the office.Instead of using the elevator, Ronald decided to take the stairs because it had a shortcut to the underground parking lot.

He reached the parking lot almost immediately and walked towards his car which was parked on the space reserved for the CEO.

The parking lot was quiet except for the noise from the drops of water coming from the sky. It was still raining but the rain was not as heavy as it was an hour ago.

Ronald already dismissed his driver when he figured out he was going to stay long in the office. So he had no choice but to drive himself.

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