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As soon as Ronald parked his car in front of the hospital, he received help from the staff. A stretcher was brought out from the hospital to take Raina in.

A blanket was given to Ronald to wrap Adriana because the jacket he gave her earlier on was now soaked. So Ronald assisted Adriana in taking off the jacket, he wrapped the blanket over her small body and then carried her in his arms while he talked to the Doctor, explaining all that happened which included how he found both mother and child beside the road.

St Mary's hospital was a private hospital and was considered one of the best in town. It was also Ronald's family hospital. Doctor Philip, his Family doctor was not on duty so another Doctor attended to them.

Ronald and Adriana were asked to wait in the reception while the Doctor attended to Raina.

"Will my mama be okay?" Adriana asked with tears in her eyes as she looked at Ronald.

"You don't have to worry. Your mama will be fine." He replied to the little girl who was seated on his lap.

Adriana nodded after which she rested her head against Ronald's chest and suddenly, something caught Ronald's eyes.

It was a bruise on Adriana's arm. He touched it, she flinched and almost started crying. Ronald apologized. He calmed her down and hugged her. He couldn't help but wonder what happened to the little girl. He couldn't wrap his head around how someone could be so cruel to hurt a child.

After some time, the Doctor came out of the Emergency room and approached Ronald.

"How is she?" he asked.

"We've transferred her to the recovery room. She will be fine. She just needs lots of bed rest"

"We have treated the bruises on her body; the person who did that hit her really hard. We also found old bruises on her which tells that whoever might have done this must have been doing it for a while." The Doctor said and Ronald nodded.

"Also, we did our best to save the baby but luck was not on our side." The doctor announced and Ronald felt sick internally. Not only did the young lady and her daughter suffer from abuse but she also lost a baby.

"I'm so sorry about that." The doctor said,

"Can we see her?" He asked.

"Of course you can. But she is asleep; we gave her a dose to make her sleep. She needs all the rest she can get." The Doctor said as he guided Ronald to Raina's ward.

Ronald entered Raina's room and was greeted with the beeping sound of the monitor. The ward was a VIP ward which made provision for a visitor to stay with the patient. But Ronald doubted he would be able to stay overnight. His Six-year-old was waiting for him at home. He needed a change of clothes and Adriana needed to stay warm too.

Ronnie sat on a chair beside the bed and placed Adriana on his lap. The little girl almost started crying as she took a look at her mom.

"Don't cry dear. Your mom will be fine" He assured.

Ronald sighed as he took in Raina's features. Her face was pale. Despite the bruises on her face she still looked beautiful. For her to have survived all of these, no doubt she was a strong woman.

"We have to go, Adriana."

"No." She shook her head. "I want to stay with mommy."

"Mommy needs to rest. I promise we will come to see her tomorrow."

Ronald helped Adriana in climbing the hospital bed. The little girl kissed her mother after which she whispered something in her ear. Ronald had no idea of what she said.

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