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"Thanks for covering up for me Gabriel, I forgot the meeting was scheduled for this morning," Ronald said to his best friend as they walked side by side out of the glass-walled conference room.

"Alima should have reminded you."

"She did. She told me before leaving the office yesterday but it slipped my mind." Ronald said as he playfully scratched the back of his neck.

Truthfully, Alima, Ronald's assistant, reminded him about the meeting before he left work yesterday and she even sent him a reminder via his email which he saw before he fell asleep.

Ronald remembered he had a meeting. But Damn, he couldn't say No to Raina when she asked him to stay for breakfast. He would never forget every detail of what happened this morning. Breakfast was something he never had during weekdays. But everything seemed perfect this morning. Him having breakfast with Alexa, Adrie, Raina, and Clarice. They looked like one big and happy family. The way Raina said a prayer before they started eating and the way Alexa helped Adrie in cutting her sausages, and not to talk of how delicious the food was. Ronald was totally on cloud nine this morning.

"Since when did you start forgetting about your meetings, Mr. Gidwani?" Gabriel teased with a smirk on his face. He knew his best friend was lying.

"What do you mean?" Ronald asked as he opened the door to his office and walked in with Gabriel behind him.

"I know you're not telling me the truth," Gabriel said as he took a seat opposite an already seated Ronald.

"Fine. Raina asked me to stay for breakfast and I couldn't say No."

"Wow, you are whipped." Gabriel grinned.

He blushed, "Not Really."

"So that means she's moving on already," Gabriel said. He knew everything about Raina.

"Yes, she is," Ronald said after which he reached for a cup of coffee on his table and took a sip.

Alima was the one who placed the coffee on his table a few minutes before he entered the office.

"Raina makes the best Coffee." He said as he placed the cup of coffee on the table while Gabriel stared at him in disbelief.

"You really enjoyed your morning." He said and Ronald nodded.

"Even the breakfast she made was so delicious. She must have been doing well with the restaurant before it was shut down." He added.

"Any news from Adrian." He chipped in.

Adrian was Gabriel's elder brother; a private investigator. Ronald had hired him to find out some information about Raina's ex-lover.

"Not yet, but I'm sure he will get back to us very soon."

"Do you have anything in mind?" Gabriel asked with creased eyebrows.

"Honestly, I just want that bastard to pay for all he did. Perhaps, I will deal with him myself before handing him over to the police." He was clearly annoyed. He still couldn't understand how a man would beat a woman mercilessly.

"Does Raina know about this? About you trying to find him and make him pay." Gabriel asked.

Ronald shook his head.

"I think you should tell her. Let her know what you are up to. These women tend to get angry when they find out we hid or we are hiding something from them. Communication is the key, bro." Gabriel advised.

"Maybe you guys should come to visit us. I'm sure Jemma will be happy to have Raina over." Gabriel suggested.

"Not a bad idea, I will talk to her about it." He replied.

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