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"I think you're stressing yourself, Raina. Gabriel and Jemma will be okay with whatever we have." Ronald who was seated across the kitchen counter said and Raina turned to look at him for a second with a frown on her face and hands on her hip.

"You're not helping." She said, then went back to what she was doing.

It was a Saturday, Gabriel and his wife, Jemma, were coming over so Raina took it upon herself to make lunch and now she was currently baking cupcakes.

Ronald told her they could go to a restaurant or order some takeout. But Raina refused because she was in the mood to cook. They had all the ingredients at home and to her, it wasn't proper to invite people over without giving them a home-cooked meal.

"Anything I can do to help?" He teased.

Raina rolled her eyes at him.

She had asked him for help earlier but he declined, claiming he would mess up everything so he just sat down and watched her do her thing.

The food was ready and looked yummy. The cupcakes, on the other hand, were almost ready.

"Raina dear, You've tried already. Go take a shower and get ready. I will clean the kitchen." Clarice offered as she walked into the kitchen.

"How about Alexa and Adrie?" She asked as she removed her apron.

"I've gotten them ready. They are in the living room, watching TV."

"Okay then, I will be right back." She walked out of the kitchen with Ronald behind her.

She groaned as soon as she felt his presence behind her. He had been clingy; following her up and down all day.

"Can I come to take a shower with you?" He said as he entered her bedroom with her.

"No." She replied firmly and he walked closer to her

"Why? Are you afraid of what I'll do to you?" He whispered, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

Ronald may not know but his action and words were turning Raina on so badly.

"Ronald, just go away from my room. '' She escaped from his arms and made her way to the closet to pick out the dress she was going to wear.

She was confused as she settled for three different outfits. Without knowing what to do, she made her way to her bedroom and showed Ronald.

"Which do you prefer?" She asked Ronald who was seated on her bed, typing away on his phone.

"I think you should go for the blue dress. It matches your eye colour." He said and she nodded.

"So will you excuse me now? I need my privacy." She said with her arms crossed.

"Fine. But I'll be right back." He muttered then walked out of her room reluctantly.

Raina smiled as she walked towards the door and locked it. If a stranger sees them, It won't take long before they conclude that they were couples.

When in real life they weren't. Apart from the fact that Raina found herself attracted to him. She also found herself comfortable and safe whenever she was around him.

Raina took a shower and got ready.

She wore her blue dress and proceeded to the mirror to see how she looked. she fell in love with the dress immediately. It matched her eye colour and it fitted her perfectly well, showing the curves she was always trying to hide.

Then She started to do her makeup. Just something simple.

After that, she slipped her feet into one of her fancy sandals, before exiting the room.

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