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Even though she slept late, Raina had always been a morning person; she was used to waking up around 6:30 in the morning.

Thankfully, she woke up feeling better which made her wonder where she got the strength from. She sat on the bed and meditated for a few minutes with a new determination to move on and live life with the people she cared about.

Raina finished meditating and said her morning prayers. She arranged her bed and made her way to the bathroom to do her morning rituals.

Unfortunately, she had no other dress than the one she wore back from the hospital. It wasn't dirty or smelling so she put them on and brushed her hair with the brush already provided in her bathroom after which she put her hair in a bun.

She took a look at herself in the mirror and saw that she looked better than yesterday except that her eyes were a little puffy due to the number of times she cried.

Raina slipped her feet into the fancy unisex slippers Clarice brought for her while she was in the hospital, then she exited her room.

She did not hear any sound or voice so she assumed everyone was still sleeping. Raina went to the kitchen to see if there were ingredients so She could make breakfast for everyone. She knew her way around the house because Ronald had given her a tour yesterday.

Raina was still surprised by how full the kitchen was, everywhere was stocked with foodstuffs and ingredients. One would easily mistake the kitchen for a mini grocery store.

Ray brought out all the ingredients, set them aside, put on an apron, washed her hands, and got to work.

She made eggs, bacon, pancakes, and some orange juice.

"It smells nice in here." A voice said and Raina turned to look at the person.

"Good morning, Clarice." She greeted with a warm smile.

"Good morning, dear" Clarice smiled. She was happy to see Raina being so energetic and smiling.

"Are you ready to have breakfast? I can serve you if you don't mind."

"Sure, I don't mind but let me go check up on Adrie and Alexa, I will be right back."

"How about Ronald? Has he left for work already?" She asked.

"No he hasn't, he should be down any moment from now." She replied, then left for the girls' room.

Ronald woke up a little bit late and tired. He couldn't sleep all night as he kept on thinking of what he could do to make Raina happy.

Ronald sighed after his fourth attempt at trying to knot his tie. The tie was not cooperating this morning, he took one final look at himself in the mirror, put on his Rolex, reached for his briefcase, and exited his room.

He dumped his briefcase on one of the couches in the living room and made his way to the kitchen to make himself coffee.

He was shocked as to who he saw in the kitchen. Raina. She had made breakfast and everything she made was looking yummy.

"Wow." He muttered which got her attention.

"Good morning." She smiled at him.

"Good morning, Ray." He replied and she smiled at that. She liked the nickname 'Ray.'

Raina couldn't help but access his outfit. He looked so handsome in his dark blue suit. Though his tie looked as if it needed a little help, His hair was well styled and the smell of his cologne was making her go tarry a little.

"You want some?" She asked.

He nodded.

While she was making the orange juice, she kind of figured out Ronald might want coffee so she made some too."

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