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"Sweetheart, wake up." Raina heard someone whisper in her ear. It was Ronald.

"Is anything the matter?" she muttered in a sleepy voice, her eyes still closed.

"Yes, babe. I just got a call from Gabriel. Jemma is in labor."

His statement made Raina sit up immediately.

"But she isn't due until next week." She said with a yawn.

"Anyway things like this happen, can we go meet them at the hospital?" She asked.

"Of course, that was why I woke you up," Ronald said. They got down from the bed and went in search of the nearest clothes they could find.

When Ronald and Raina got downstairs, they knocked on Clarice's door and informed her that they were going to the hospital for the arrival of their goddaughter.

Raina recognized the hospital. It was the same one she was brought to when Ronald found her unconscious; St Mary's hospital. Ronald parked the car, got down, and went to the other side to open the door for her. He gave her a hand as she came down.

They were both in matching grey sweatpants and different shirts. They walked hand in hand into the hospital, to support their best friends on the arrival of their baby girl.

They approached the receptionist and asked for Jemma. The receptionist directed them to the third floor which they headed to immediately, taking the lift.

They got there and were told to wait in the reception that Jemma was already in the labor room with Gabriel.

So they settled on the couch and waited.

"Do you want anything, coffee?" He asked Raina who had been quiet. She shook her head.

Ronald sighed and closed the gap between them, he cupped her face in his hands.

"Jemma and the baby will be fine, okay?" He assured.

She nodded slowly.

Ray had no idea why she was nervous, probably because she cared for Jemma.

Raina rested her head on Ronald's shoulder and intertwined her hand in his.

They stayed like that for a while until someone came out of the labor and delivery room. It was Gabriel.

He ran towards them and screamed with a huge smile.

"I'm officially a dad!!!!!"

Raina heaved a sigh of relief after which she stood up and hugged him.

"Congratulations." She said to him, He lifted her, then spun her around.

"Hey, that's my girlfriend," Ronald said possessively with a frown on his face which caused them to chuckle.

"Sorry, I got carried away." Gabriel grinned as he put Raina on her feet.

"Congrats bro, Welcome to fatherhood," Ronald pulled Gabriel into a hug.

"How's Jemma? When can we see her and the baby?" Raina asked excitedly.

"Soon, The nurses are cleaning them up," Gabriel smiled.

"Thank you for being here for my family. It means a lot to me and I'm sure it does for Jemma too." Gabriel said to Ronald and Raina.

"You're welcome. We do anything for the ones we love." Raina replied.

They sat on the sofa that was in the waiting area, then Gabriel started telling them about how beautiful his daughter was.

Soon enough, the doctor came to tell them they could go in to see Jemma and the baby for a while.

They got up and walked excitedly to the ward they were being directed to.

Raina was the first person to walk in and awed at what she saw. Jemma was seated on the hospital bed with her baby girl in her arms.

She rushed to Jemma's side and pulled the both of them in a gentle hug, being careful at the same time not to hurt the baby.

"Congrats Boo." She whispered to Jemma.

"Thanks," Jemma replied with a tired smile.

"May I?" She asked as she stretched her hands to carry the baby.

"Of course, I'm sure she can't wait to meet her godmother," Jemma said as she carefully placed the baby in Raina's arms.

"Hi, beautiful." She cooed which made the newborn open her eyes. Raina smiled at that and gently played with her fingers, she did not fail to notice that the baby had Jemma's eyes.

"I'm your godmother, sweetie. Get ready for the best time of your life because your godfather and I will spoil you rotten." Raina said and they all chuckled.

Ronald approached Jemma and gave her a hug after which he approached Raina and took a look at his goddaughter too.

"I can't wait for them to have theirs" Jemma whispered to Gabriel.

"I heard that." Ronald smiled while Raina blushed.

She had been feeling weird but she didn't want to keep anybody's hopes up. She wanted to confirm if it was true before telling anyone.

"So what do we call her?" Ronald asked, referring to the baby

"Her name is Deborah. Debbie for short. Deborah Alrie." Jemma said.

"A precious name for a precious baby." Raina cooed.

They stayed a bit longer after which the doctor came to announce the baby and mother needed to rest.

So Raina and Ronald said their goodbyes, promising to visit later in the day.

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