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After Doctor Philip informed Raina that the person who helped her and her daughter would be coming over this afternoon, she had been restless. Even though the Tv was switched on, her mind was not there as she kept on looking at the entrance every few minutes. She couldn't wait to wrap her arms around her baby girl. She missed her a lot. She and Adrie have never been apart for so long.

Raina sighed as she wondered what the person who helped her looked like. She knew She had to pay him back for helping her. She took in her surroundings and felt fortunate as she realized that She was in a VIP ward. The doctor told her that the person who helped her had paid for everything, including her medication. She felt relieved when he told her that because she had no money on her.

Some minutes later, The door to Raina's ward opened and Doctor Philip walked in with Adrie, Alexa, Clarice, and Ronald behind him.

"Mama!" Adrie screamed as she ran towards her mom.

Raina smiled as she sat up and assisted Adrie in climbing up her bed after which she hugged the hell out of her. Tears welled up in Raina's eyes. She missed her little girl so much. However, she felt something was missing, she felt kind of incomplete and she didn't know why.

She pulled away from the hug and showered Adrianna's face with kisses.

"I missed you mama" She grinned.

"I missed you too, my love. I'm glad you're here." She replied and kissed her daughter's forehead.

"Meet my friend, Alexa," Adrie said as she pointed towards Alexa who was holding a small gift bag.

"Hi, Adrie's mom." She smiled.

"Hello beautiful, come here" Raina replied as she patted the left side of her bed to her as Adrie was already on the right side.

Alexa climbed up the bed and Raina hugged her after which she kissed her cheek.

Alexa passed the gift bag she was holding to Adrie and gave Adrie a sign to give it to her mom.

"Alexa and I made this for you, mommy," Adrie gave her mom the tiny gift bag.

Raina smiled as she collected it and opened it. She brought out what was inside and her heart melted at what she saw.

A get well soon card which they decorated in their handwriting and a bar of chocolate.

During Alexa and Adrie's snack time, Clarice had given them one chocolate each and Alexa decided that she and Adrie should share hers while Adrie kept hers and gave it to her mom as part of their present.

Raina smiled as she pulled Alexa and Adrie into a joint hug.

"I love it. Thank you." She whispered into their ear and they smiled because their plan was to make Raina happy which they achieved.

"Ronald, can I see you outside for a second." Dr. Philip said and Ronald followed him outside.

Raina didn't get to see his face properly, she hadn't even told him 'Thank You' because she was so engrossed with the girls.

"How are you feeling, my child?" Clarice asked as she kept the basket of food on a nearby table before walking up to Raina and taking a seat on the chair beside her bed.

"I'm fine. Thank you very much for your help. Thanks for taking care of my daughter." She said,

"No problem my child, Just get well soon." She smiled.

"Mama, Clarice is my nanny. Just like she's Alexa's nanny." Adrie chipped in.

By now, the girls had already climbed down from Raina's bed. They were seated on the resting couch where they were playing with some of Alexa's toys that Clarice brought for them.

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