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Ronald carried his girlfriend in a bridal style into the house. She hid her face in the crook of his neck and held onto him tightly. Even though they were both tipsy, they knew what they wanted.

Ronald shut the door behind him with his leg and carried Raina to his bedroom Upstairs. When he got there he placed her on her feet.

"Are you sure you want this?" He asked her for the fourth time.

She nodded, unconsciously biting her lower lip.

She didn't know that every gesture of hers was a turn-on for Ronald.

He closed the gap between them and placed a soft kiss on her lips. Before he could pull away, She deepened the kiss and he gave her access to explore his mouth. He loved the fact that she was the one in control.

Ronald's hand made its way to her back, he reached for her zipper and slowly unzipped her dress.

He pulled away from the kiss and pulled her dress over her head. She blushed as she stood before him in nothing but black sexy lingerie. One of which Clarice picked up for her the day they went shopping.

"You're so beautiful, my Queen," Ronald whispered. He moved closer to her and kissed her again. He carried her in a bridal style and placed her in the middle of his bed after which he unbuckled her shoe and threw them aside.

Ronald removed his shirt as well as his pants and Raina found herself craving for him. She was wet and she could feel it. Heaven knows no man had ever made her feel this way.

She was almost placing her right hand over her vagina, about to pleasure herself, when Ronald stopped her.

He climbed on top of her and whispered in her ear.

"Don't, please leave it to me and let me worship your body."

His words turned Raina on the more.

He kissed her lips after which he moved to her jaw, then trailed kisses down her neck until he got to the top of her boobs.

Ronald unhooked her bra and came in contact with her beautiful chest area. A smile made its way to his lips. They were perfect; round, firm, with her erect pink nipples begging for them to be sucked by him.

He took her left nipple in his mouth and slowly sucked on it, at the same time nibbling with his teeth. Raina moaned as she felt both pain and pleasure, she didn't want him to stop. As he pleasured her left boob, he played with the right one with his free hand.

After a while, he turned his attention to her right breast, giving it the same attention as the left.

Raina moaned as his mouth did magic to her nipples.

When he pleasured her tits to his satisfaction, he went to her core, removed her panties, and spread her legs. He buried his face in her entrance and started pleasuring her by rubbing her clit in a circular motion which made her moan like crazy. He did that for a while after which he slipped two of his left fingers in her and at the same time he used his right finger to massage her clitoris.

Raina was going crazy with pleasure. She screamed so loud and she later told him to stop which he did. He gave her time to calm down a little after which he continued pleasuring her. But this time he pleasured her with his mouth. He stopped when she was about to cum.

Ronnie climbed on top of her with his hands on either side of her head and kissed her passionately, making her taste herself. He paused the kiss, leaned sideways, and removed his underpants. Raina's eyes went wide at what she saw. He was huge.

Ronald chuckled when he saw her reaction.

"Don't worry, my love, we'll find our way around it." He whispered to her after which he positioned himself in front of her and teased her by rubbing his tip on her clit. After a while, he slowly entered her which earned a loud moan from her. He waited till Raina adjusted to his size and then increased the pace.

They made love; he pleasured her to the height she never imagined she could reach after which they came together.

He pulled out then pulled her closer to him, her face in his chest.

"I love you, Raina," He said but was not sure if she heard.


Ronald woke up before Raina, He admired her as she slept. She was so beautiful, just like an angel. Her head was on his chest so he kissed her forehead.

With her, Ronnie felt what he never felt for anyone. He felt at home and she was definitely the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

He watched her as she stirred and opened her eyes. It seemed she had a flashback of what happened between them the previous night as she hid her face in a pillow that was beside them.

Ronald chuckled as he tried removing the pillow from her face which he eventually succeeded in doing.

"You don't have to be shy, babe" He whispered in her ear which made her blush even more.

She overcame her shyness after which she sat up, wrapped herself with the duvet, rested her head against the headboard, and looked into Ronald's eyes.

"Ronald, about last night.." She said but he cut her off.

"It was the best night of my life, Raina, please don't tell me you regret it." He said with pleading eyes.

"It was the best night of my life too." She whispered.

"I just heard something which I wanted to clarify. I don't know if I was dreaming. But I heard you saying something like you love me."

He took her hands in his. "You heard right, Raina. I'm in love with you."

"You don't have to say the....."

"No. I love you too, Ronald."

"Really?" He said, his lips slowly curving into a proud smile.

"Yes. I've loved you since the first day I set my eyes on you. Sorry, it took so long for me to realize." She whispered after which he leaned closer to her and gave her a passionate kiss.

"We didn't use protection." She mumbled.

"I'm sorry, Ray, I was carried away. Whatever it may be, I promise to take full responsibility, and if you want we can visit the doctor this week to get you some after pills." He said, nervously.

Raina smiled. She wondered how she got lucky to come across someone like Ronald.

"It's okay. I would love to carry your child in me." She said with a smile. Ronald pulled her closer to him and made her sit on his lap.

"Really?" he asked.

She nodded, shyly biting her lower lip.

"Thanks, babe. I have no doubt Alexa and Adrie would be happy about it too. They would love the idea of them having a younger sibling." He connected his lips to hers for a passionate kiss.

They made love once more after which they showered and went downstairs for brunch.

Ronald texted his mother, pleading that She held on to the girls for one more night so he and Raina would have the whole day to themselves.

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