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"And this is the kitchen." Uncle Rico completed the tour with Raina.

The kitchen was very big and was filled with a number of chefs who were busy with various chores.

"So, we make all types of dishes. Mexican, American, Italian, African and we bake too." Uncle Rico added.

"I will introduce you to the Head Chef and she will find a spot for you. You can come over to my office during your lunch break so we will discuss your pay."

Raina nodded.

"Maggie." He called and a light brown-skinned lady looked their way. She was of average height and obviously in her chef uniform.

"Maggie, this is Raina; she will be joining us and Raina, this is Maggie." Uncle Rico introduced the ladies.

"Nice to meet you," Raina said.

Maggie smiled at her. "You too."

"That's all, for now, Raina, I have to return to my office. Maggie will show you what to do and if you need anything, you know where to find me." Uncle Rico said after which he took his leave.

"So what do you feel like doing today? Cooking or baking?" Maggie asked Raina.

"Cooking." She replied excitedly.

"Good. Maybe you can help me with this Mexican dish I'm trying to finish." She said as she ushered Raina to the spot she was before uncle Rico called her.


Raina was in the changing room, taking a rest and munching on some potato chips when her phone vibrated.

She took it out of her pocket and saw that it was a message from someone whose name was saved as "My love."

She chuckled as she unlocked the phone and opened the text message.

My love: Hey.

Raina: "Ronald?? " She typed even when she knew it was him, she just wanted to confirm.

My love: "Yes babe. It's me."

My love: How is your day going?

Raina: Fine. I'm enjoying it.

My love: Good. Have you had lunch already?

Raina: That's what I'm doing now. I'm eating some really good chips.

My love: Okay. I just wanted to check up on you.

Raina: That's so sweet of you. Thanks!

My love: You welcome babe. Daniel will come to pick you up by 5.

Raina: Okay, I have to go.

My love: Alright babe, take care

"I assume you're texting your boyfriend." A voice said out of the blue. Raina looked up and saw it was Maggie.

"How can you be so sure?" She asked as she tucked her phone back in her pocket and continued munching on her chips.

"You needed to see the smile on your face when you were texting," Maggie said which made Raina blush.

"He's just a friend."

"If you say so." Maggie shrugged.

After her short break, Raina went back to work and soon it was 5 pm.

She proceeded to the changing room where she removed her apron and dumped it in the laundry basket. She reached for her handbag, said goodbye to Uncle Rico, then exited the restaurant where Daniel, Ronald's driver, was waiting for her.

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