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Adrie woke up before Alexa so she took her time to study Alexa's room. Adriana felt kind of lonely because she misses her mom. Hopefully, they would go visit her mommy in the hospital today as Ronald promised.

After some time Alexa woke up too.

"Good morning, Alexa," Adrie said. Her mom taught her to always greet everyone she sees in the morning.

"Good morning, Adrie," Alexa yawned after which she pulled Adrie into a hug which caused her to giggle.

If a stranger walks in on them, he or she would think they were sisters.

They helped themselves out of bed after which they walked into the bathroom to pee and wash their faces.

Coming out of the bathroom, Clarice walked in on them, She greeted them, they did the same and she pulled them into a hug and kissed their foreheads.

She took Alexa's toothbrush, applied some paste on it, and handed it to her. She reached for a new toothbrush and helped Adrie wash her teeth.

After they were done brushing their teeth, Alexa suggested they go wake her daddy up.


Ronald felt someone bouncing on his bed. He groaned as he knew it was no other person than his daughter, Alexa.

Alexa giggled as she felt her Daddy groan under the duvet. She then encouraged Adrie to jump with her.

Ronald couldn't take it anymore so he opened his eyes and pulled Alexa's leg which made her fall flat on the bed. Then he began tickling her for disturbing his sleep.

Alexa giggled out loud after which She pleaded with her Dad to stop tickling her.

Ronald raised his head and saw Adrie looking at them, For Adrie not to feel left out, he started tickling her also which caused her to giggle.

"Good morning Daddy." Alexa finally said as she kissed her dad on his cheek.

"Good morning sweetheart" Ronald kissed her forehead.

"Good morning," Adrie smiled and Ronald pulled her into a hug and he kissed her cheek.

"Did you guys sleep well?" He asked them and they nodded.

"I miss my mommy," Adrie said.

"Don't worry we will go visit her today okay." He said and Adrie nodded with a smile. She has never been away from her mom for so long.

"Can I come too?" Alexa pleaded and her dad said yes.

"What do you girls want for breakfast?" He asked.

"What do you want, Adrie?" Alex asked her.

"Maybe pancakes." She answered.

"We will have pancakes, Daddy," Alexa announced.

"Okay, I will be right back" Ronald left for the bathroom to go do his business. He returned to his room and saw the girls watching what he knew to be Alexa's favorite cartoon.

"Okay girls, time to make breakfast." He called their attention and helped them down from his bed.

Normally, Clarice would have been the one to make breakfast but since it was a Saturday and the girls requested to eat something he could make, Ronald decided to make breakfast.

Before Ronald had Alessandra, he took care of his home. Then, he was living in his luxurious two-bedroom apartment. He cleaned, cooked, and did his laundry except for the outfits that needed professional handling.

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