2016 - Acquiesce

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Lisa took a cab to the address Jungkook gave her.

Because of the chilly weather, she opted to wear a sky blue long sleeve turtle neck knitted top, washed out ripped jeans and white sneakers.

She had texted Jisoo unnie that she'll be hanging out with Jungkook somewhere in Yongsan-gu. She didn't specify where exactly since they might just react the same way she did.

Just as naver said, the building was near Namsan park though not quite as high up. There were only sparse properties in this area, separated with enough land between them for privacy. The building only had four floors and designed with cherry wood and glass.

She sighed in relief when she got off the cab as she didn't meet anyone aside from the security manning the gate. She proceeded to walk to the back of the building just as Jungkook instructed.

The bright red fire exit door was unmistakable amongst the gray-painted concrete.

Lisa punched in the code Jungkook had given her. Once opened, there wasn't much in there except for the elevator door on her right.

Was it really necessary for a four story building to have an elevator?

When Lisa got on, she raised her eyebrows. Apparently this was a private elevator exclusively for the fifth floor. Curious. She was sure it was only a four story building.

She shook her head. The short ride was over quickly and Lisa stepped out only to be greeted with the most breathtaking view.

It turns out that number five led not to another apartment floor but instead to the building's rooftop. The blue sky tinge with orange was beautiful. Not to mention the greens on this side wonderfully contrasted the city scape of Seoul across from it.

"Great isn't it?", she heard Jungkook say from behind.

Lisa nodded and turned around with the biggest grin. "It's beautiful Kook, how did you find this place?"

He had changed out of his practice clothes and worn a white turtle neck top, dark blue jeans and his favourite Timberlands.

Jungkook took her hand and guided Lisa to the daybed swing so she could appreciate the view better. "Bang PD owns the building and rents it out to any employee that needs it. He brought us here when we debuted and gave us the passcode."

He smiled remembering how awestruck and thankful the seven of them had been when their sajangnim entrusted the place to them. "He gave us permission to come here anytime we needed somewhere to think or not think about anything."

"Wow! I wish YG sajangnim would give us somewhere like this too."

Lisa was amazed at how caring their sajangnim was to the boys. No wonder Jungkook only had great things to say about him.

Jungkook chuckled, "you should have seen this place before. There was nothing but plastic chairs and a foldable table."

"Really?" Lisa focused her eyes at the rooftop instead of the beautiful view. "Did you hire an interior designer or something? You guys have everything. A bar, picnic table, couches, outdoor barbecue, hockey table..." she suddenly stopped.

Jungkook looked at where Lisa was staring and laughed.

She turned to him and joked, "what is that? Rooftop glamping?"

He shrugged. "We needed somewhere to sleep and nobody knows anything about carpentry, so we decided that a tent would be a good alternative."

It was a new addition Jungkook and his hyungs had purchased. Everyone had pooled in to buy the huge waterproof tent and the furnitures inside. "Oh and to answer your question, no we didn't hire anyone. We decorated it ourselves. Jimin and Namjoon hyung more so than the others. Nobody has step foot at this rooftop except for us and BangPD."

He scratched his nape and shyly added, "well and you."

He saw Lisa's cheeks starting to redden at his confession.

Maybe I affect her the same way she affects me.

He clutches the edges of the swing. Jungkook takes a deep breath, gathering his strength.

"Hey Lisa." Jungkook looked at her eyes and wondered if she could hear the loud pounding of his heart. "I like you," he softly adds.

Some people might think it's stupid of him, tell him it's too fast, that he doesn't know what he's talking about. But this feeling of euphoria every time he receives a text from her, the fluttering of his heart when he hears her voice, his shit eating grin when he sees her perform, this constant thought of her that pops randomly through out his day, he knew in his gut that what he feels for her goes beyond friendship. After all, she isn't the first female friend he has had and none of them had made him feel the way Lisa has.

If they had been a normal boy and girl, he would have asked her to date him. If they had been a normal boy and girl, he would have proceeded to plan their first date.

But Jeon Jungkook and Lalisa Manoban is not a normal boy and girl.

"I'm not asking you to date me." He entwined her uninjured hand with his.

"Not because I'm not sure of my feelings for you but because I know it's not the right time."

Like her, Jungkook had also been a rookie. Getting that debut stage wasn't the be all and end all. It was only the start of the challenge. Hours upon hours of hard work would have to be invested to survive in this industry. He had spent his youth practicing non stop improving himself that it left no time to think about anything else. He understood that which is why he wasn't expecting anything when he revealed his feelings aloud.

Jungkook chuckled to ease the tension from his confession. "Secret relationships aren't my thing anyway. I have to ask permission from your sajangnim before I could date you and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get banned if I asked for that now". He smiled and jokingly added, "how would you introduce me to Bigbang sunbaenims if I get banned, right?"

Lisa giggled. It felt like she had been holding her breath since his unexpected confession. Who would have thought Jungkook had it figured out?

Being a rookie idol who is only a few months old was exactly the reason she didn't want to admit to the plethora of feelings she has for the boy beside her. She was not ready to face that fork in the road when the one she was on was still unpaved and bumpy.

Despite the rumours and speculations, Blackpink did not have a dating ban in their contract. In fact there was no specific bans, not even for clubbing or drinking. But it does not mean they were free of restrictions as they could still be terminated if they do anything that could harm the group and the company did not know of such before it was publicised.

Back when she signed the contract she had been indifferent to the clause but now she feels relieved. Jungkook was right, now may not be the right time to enter into relationship but at least they won't have to worry about a looming five year dating ban when that time comes.

Lisa caressed his cheek, "I like you too Kook. Very much." She gave him her sweetest smile. "Thank you for understanding without me having to say anything."

Jungkook squeezed Lisa's hand. "Knowing we like each other is enough for now."

A/N: Happy holidays everyone!!! 💜

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