2019 - Definitely, Maybe

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December 2019

"Thank you oppa!" She waved her manager goodbye.

After a hectic three weeks of award shows and performances, Lisa and Jungkook finally had the same day off. Both groups had blissful weeks of receiving award after award. Blackpink received their first ever daesang and BTS once again taking home daesangs of their own. The two groups had congratulated each other enthusiastically back stage, away from the prying fan cams.

With looming year end shows, the couple planned to milk their vacation time as much as they can.

Lisa took out her phone contemplating if she should text Jungkook that she had arrived. She was about to but changed her mind locking her phone, choosing to surprise him as she arrived earlier than they planned. A day earlier. Or was it more appropriate to say night? It was eight in the evening and they had planned to meet tomorrow night.

Her NONAGON photoshoot was postponed and rescheduled for next week because of Bobby oppa's family emergency. Knowing that Jungkook was probably holed up in his room playing overwatch, Lisa was confident about her plan.

On her way to the lifts, she met Heechul sunbaenim. "Heechul oppa!"

"Ohooo look what the cat dragged in. I haven't seen you and Jungkook in a while. Bet I know what you guys will get up to eh?" He wiggled his eyebrow playfully.

"Oppa!" Lisa blushed knowing particularly well what Heechul sunbae was implying.

"Just joking. Or maybe not? Anyway, congratulations on your daesang my favorite hobae!"

"Thank you but favorite hobae? Mwo? Your reaching oppa. Everyone knows who your favourite hobae is."

Heechul oppa had a split hitting grin on his face. He and Hani unnie had recently admitted to dating each other for a year.

"Well can't argue with that. I'll miss those covert dates but it sure is liberating to hold hands without worries. Speaking of, when will you guys go public?"

Lisa shrugged. She and Jungkook have talked about it, extensively after Blackpink's three year anniversary. But the topic gradually lost it's heat as both their activities increased tremendously. "I really don't know oppa. We're just playing it by ear for now."

Heechul sunbae shook his head in amusement. "You two have the best luck. Three years without even a peep of you guys dating. Maybe I should shake your hand, pass the luck around you know?" He teased, wiggling his hand in front of Lisa's face.

"No way oppa. You don't need it anyway."

"True true true." Again with the split eating grin. Lisa wished she could have that one day. Hopefully very soon. Maybe she should bring up the topic again tonight.

Heechul oppa waved her goodbye, talking about running some errand for Hani unnie. Love struck fool indeed.

Lisa got in the elevator and pushed the number twelve. Despite the building being huge, there were actually very few units on each floor. Behind each door lay a minimum of three hundred square feet of elegantly divided space.

Jungkook's was more than the minimum. Not to mention the second floor loft that houses his studio and Lisa's newly built dark room, his birthday gift to her. She had been ecstatic when he had shown it to her after the small intimate party he had organised.

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