Chapter 1 : Beneath

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" Ah? A new teacher?"

" Yeah," Ran said, scratching her head. " They said that she was just a few months older than most of us, but had the IQ of 200."

Shinichi's eyes widened.

" 200?"

Sonoko raised her eyebrows, rotating around in her chair. " How do you know the news of this, Ran?" Sonoko asked, chewing the huge loaf of bread in her hands hungrily. " You're usually the most blur one of the lot; only finding out the news when the principal announces it in assembly."

" That's not true." Ran said huffily.

" Yes it is." Shinichi muttered.

Ran just bit her lip, glaring poutily at the two of them before answering. " My father knows her." Ran said, looking away, noticing two figures appear outside the door, muttering sounds heard. " She had some sort of connections with a past client of his, but I'm still not too clear about it. My father told me about it today as I caught him before he went downstairs to the betting grounds."

" Oh," Sonoko said, watching the two figures too, before averting her attention back to Ran. " I wonder what she's like."

" She's silent and cold." Came a voice from behind them and they jumped.

" Yoro." Shinichi said.

" Yo." He said cheerfully. " She looks really sullen and quiet, but she had hotness to be equal to Ran's. Plus, she has a super body."

" Really?" Shinichi asked, suddenly interested. " Like what?"

" Oh, put a lid in it." Ran said angrily, shoving Yoro away, blushing to the roots of her hair. It amazed her that even after this many years of solving mysteries and staying around serious and top notch people, Shinichi still had certain areas that he had yet to mature. She watched him laugh along with Yoro, and she bit her lip. She didn't love him. It sounded strange, after all the different names she had been called, all having her referred as his wife, but there was not an atom of attraction she had for him. She looked away as she heard the doorknob being wrenched open. Shinichi had told her he loved her a few days ago, and she had put him down. But he had never stopped trying, and she felt-


Yes, she loved him as a friend. But why did he want more than that?

Everyone stared at the new teacher who had walked in.

" Damn." Shinichi whispered.

Damn indeed. All the way from her milky skin which was shown from her tight skirt all the way to her unblemished face, she was altogether beautiful. Shinichi even swore he had seen the male teacher behind her lick his dry lips. But from the moment he saw her, he knew that chemistry was not going to go along as smoothly and relaxingly as teacher Anzaki did. From the very second he saw her, one word filled his mind. ' Iceberg.' He had thought.


Nothing could penetrate that icy exterior which she bore.

Her eyes traced the class slowly, her hands on her hips. She didn't say anything as the male teacher behind her slowly wrote her name out on the board. Everyone in the classroom, even Maki, who slept in the class from the start to the end was staring at the board in rapt attention, his head following the marker as it slowly traced out her words in sleek colour of black.

Shiho Miyano.

While many boys in the class scribbled down the name in their phone books furiously, Shinichi frowned at her. There was something familiar about that name. Where did he hear it before?

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