Chapter 16: Confessions

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" You seem jittery, Kudo."

" Maybe that's because I am, Einstein." Shinichi said witheringly.

" Yeesh," Yoro said, chuckling. " Cold."

" Well, unlike you, I have the human feeling called pressure." Shinichi said, buttoning up his suit nervously. " In case you haven't noticed, I'm going out with the most popular teacher in the entire school." He and Yoro had met up at his house, and were planning to meet up Ran and Shiho together at the same time. The first reason was to lessen the nervousness of the four of them, and the next reason was that Yoro was broke, and had to borrow Shinichi's car.

" Excuse me?" Yoro said, cocking his brow. " In case you haven't noticed, I'm going out with the most popular girl in the school. I'm jittery as hell!"

" Jittery?" Shinichi asked, snorting. " You?"

" Hey, it's just the way I am, alright?" Yoro said, taking a quick look at himself in the mirror before winking roguishly dreamily. " I joke more when I'm jittery, alright?"

" Wow." Shinichi said, looking at Yoro in a new found light. " IU never saw you as that sort of person."

" Oh?" Yoro asked. " And what did you see me as?"

" Well, I just saw you as a simple butterfly, you know?" Shinichi said, leaning against the wall. Yoro looked at him with a bemused expression. " Carefree and silent," Shinichi started, grinning at him, earning a grateful nod from his friend. " Happy. . .and well, just glad with the way its life is."

Yoro smirked at him, hands in pockets.

" Well, Kudo. . ." he said slowly. " As you know from basic science, a caterpillar had to struggle like crazy to become the butterfly that is currently is today."

Shinichi blinked. Come to think of it, Yoro's past was still mysterious to him until this date. " Well then. . ." he started, but stopped abruptly at the sight of something that ran through Yoro's eyes. Something that he had never known that he would see in his friend's eyes. But soon it was gone, and his friend just smiled back at him.

" It's getting late." Yoro said cheerfully, spinning his heel to walk towards the door. " We don't want the two lovely ladies to wait for us, don't we?"

Shinichi was brought sharply back to life and grinned back. " Yeah." He said. " Let's go."


" Oh, Yoro, you shouldn't have." Ran said.

" Yeah right," Yoro said, rolling his eyes, but was still hugging her back, her arms wrapped around his neck. She looked really pretty in her dark blue gown, which hugged her curves, which was still surrounding her legs at a pool at her feet. " For mere flowers you get all happy and alleviated. When I dedicate a song to you at a karaoke you just go all. . ."

" That was not sweet at all!" she snapped, raising her voice suddenly.

" So would you rate it salty instead?" Yoro chuckled.

Shinichi grinned as he watched as Ran bit her lip but accepted Yoro's kiss, before hugging him once more. Ran was facing Shinichi all this while, and as her arms were wrapped around Yoro's, they both sneaked a look at each other. Shinichi gave her a thumbs-up sign, winking at her cheekily, a huge grin on his face. Her eyes widened, before smiling warmly at him.


" You're late." Shiho scowled.

Shinichi dodged a shoe flying in his direction, which was caught by Yoro swiftly, and smiled sheepishly at Shiho who was standing at the stop, her arms crossed across her chest, her lips pressed against each other tightly. The reaction of the two women were exactly world's apart. But asides from the questionably rude reaction from Shiho at Shinichi for being late, the three of them were dazzled by her beauty. Even Ran was nodding at Shiho approvingly.

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