Chapter 5 : Speedy confessions

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" So what are the scores so far?"

Yorokobi, one of the people in charge of the voting schemes sighed as he pulled out a piece of paper from under the huge stack of tiny slips, waiting until Jihiro had sat down on the chair opposite Yorokobi before continuing.

" For the men, Shinichi is in the lead with 104, followed closely behind by Yoro with 92, and finally lagging behind is Sanshriyuki with 43."

Jihiro let out a whistle, grabbing a meat bun on the table before munching into it, sighing continuously with every bite he took, and Yorokobi had to admit that it was the most disgusting thing he had ever seen. " Yeah, I never DID like Sanshriyuki." He said, taking a sip of water. " I was a fan of his swimming for a few weeks back. Asked him for an autograph or something, but he just sneered and told me to eat my own pants. Like it had anything to do with an autograph."

Yorokobi laughed, grabbing the meat bun found next to Jihiro's, and bit into it, looking down on the list. " For the ladies, leading is once again Ran Mouri with 124." He went on, just as Jihiro choked on his water. " Next to her is Shiho, with 121, and finally is Sakura with 112."

" Ran Mouri?" Jihiro gaped. " She's winning again?"

" Well, you can't blame her." Yorokobi said, shrugging. " She IS very popular with the boys and girls alike. Plus, she has a sweet ass."

" I know that," Jihiro said tensely. " But I believe that Miss Miyano should be able to lead her. After all, she's cool and has a personality. Plus, she's funny. Ran is cool and kicks ass, but she's not even half as funny as Shiho."

" Funny?" Yorokobi asked. " She looks cold. I saw her in the recess hall just two days ago. Barely nodded as I greeted her."

" That's what she's like on the outside." Jihiro said carelessly. " But I'm in her form class, and I can tell you she's funny. She's sweet, beautiful, AND She doesn't try too hard. Plus, she doesn't act like a queen around Shinichi.'

" Oh yeah, Ran dumped him, right?"

" Bingo." Jihiro said.

" Maybe it's better if Shiho wins. Maybe I'll vote for her too."

" My feelings exactly."


" A solid has a constant shape and weight." Shiho said, almost rolling her eyes in boredom. From teaching Shinichi's class to 11-year old kids was sort of depressing, but after many hours of this sort of drastic change, she got steadily used to it. " And obviously for a liquid that is different, can anybody tell me what are the definition of a liquid, in that other case?"

A young boy raised up his hand.

" Yoshi, is it?" she asked, nodding at him.

" That's right." He said, then he paused.

" Well?" she asked, patiently. " You don't raise your hand, and not answer the question."

" I'll get to that." He said excitedly. " But I just wanted you to know that the whole class voted for you for the Queen."

An unknown blush appeared on her face, but quickly ceased herself. " I don't think that that's relevant to the subject of matter, Yoshi." She said tightly, and the rest of the class cracked up with laughter.

" We just thought you were much prettier than Ran Mouri, Miss Miyano." Said Mirai, one of the girls in the front row. " We just all agreed one day that we wanted you to beat Ran, allowing her to get second for the first time."

Shiho had to bite her lip to prevent herself from smiling. ' These kids are just so unknowing.' She thought. ' But I thank them. From the bottom of my heart.'

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