Chapter 15: A Deliverance

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" Aw, come on, nee-san. . ."

Akemi looked at her sister dreamily.

" What's wrong?" she asked, her legs high up in the air, kicking against the mattress below her, her body sprawled up upon her bed, watching Shiho try on the dress that she had bought for her. " I think that it fits you pretty well."

" Nee-san, it's appallingly low-cut." Shiho said, flushing. " You can't possibly think that I would wear this kind of dress to the school dance in front of the student and fellow teachers. . ."

" And why not?" Akemi said coyly. " The main thing is that you likecoyly. " The main thing is that you like it, right?"

Shiho bit her lip and looked herself in the mirror. Akemi had made her bundle up her hair in a tight bun, which went along fine with her purple gown that followed downwards, which seemed to split in the lower half of the dress, showing her left leg up until her upper thighs. " It isn't that horrific to look at," Shiho caught herself saying; something which most people would take as an insult desperately trying to sound like a compliment. Akemi, however, saw it differently.

" I knew you'd like it!" she exclaimed, bouncing up from the bed, overjoyed.

" Nee-san. . ." Shiho started slowly, but stopped in mid-sentence as Akemi clasped her hands into hers tightly.

" So." Akemi said. " Who are you going with?"

" Kudo Shinichi." Shiho said flatly, adjusting her hair in the mirror for a moment. When she received no reply from her sister, she sighed depressingly and turned around. " Nee-san. . ." she started, meeting with Akemi's gleaming eyes. " It's no big deal. He asked me before anyone else, so as I said before, I would go with the first person that asks me to the dance, remember?"

" Yes, but still. . ." Akemi started slowly, sounding rather disappointed by her sister's factual answer. " You're still kind of glad that he asked you over the many guys in the school, right?"

" I don't know what you 9 away, yet she was unable to hide the red stains appearing on her cheeks, which was something that her sister never missed.

" I'm eating lunch with some friends." Akemi said, turning her heel slowly and purpously, and started to make her way out of her room. " Sorry if I can't make it today."

" It's alright." Shiho said simply. " I'll just. . ."

She caught herself in time, noticing Akemi's sly grin.

" Nice try." Shiho said wearily. " See you later."

Akemi gave Shiho one last smile before disappearing behind the door.

Shiho sighed and looked at her alarm clock. " It's one-fifteen." She muttered to herself, looking out the window. She took the handphone found on her nightstand and looked at it, almost accusingly. " I wonder what Kudo's doing now?" she said to herself, pressing the number on speed dial 3.


Shinichi sighed, taking another glance at the homework on his bedside table and groaned. " This is going to take me forever." He said, glaring at the worksheets angrily before taking another sheet in the pile. His eyebrows raised as he heard the soft ringing of his house phone. " Go away!" he yelled out to it, before starting on the homework before him.

" Oh crap, it's Shiho's homework." He groaned, slapping his forehead. " She's a good teacher and person and all, but her homework stinks to the deepest pits of. . ."

Ring Ring. . .

" Go away!" Shinichi yelled at the phone again, and this time, as if on his command, it stopped abruptly. He grinned triumphantly, and was about to get on with the work before him once again, when this time his handphone rang. He groaned and ignored it, getting back to his work. " Damn, so many darn calculations. . ." he muttered to himself, gnawing on the pencil. " Why is she such a sadistic person in the workroom. . .why won't you leave?" he yelled at the phone.

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