Chapter 6 : The Start of a New War

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Shiho's facial expression changed from shock to amusement then finally ending with the usual smirk of hers. Sanshriyuki blinked in surprise. It was simply amazing that she was able to change her emotions so many times in just less than a few seconds flat. Shiho uncrossed her legs.

" Thank you." She said, bowing.


His eyes widened.

" And. . .?" he prompted on, hopeful.

" . . .Thank you very much?" she finished, dashing away his hopes, the small smile on his lips slowly sliding off his face. Shiho, feeling a tiny ounce of sympathy got to her feet and patted him on the shoulder, and he looked up at her in surprise. " I'm honoured that you have a crush on me. But as I have no current interests in you, or any other students inside the school."

He winced.

She certainly was a woman who cut to the core of her words.

He looked away, blushing.

" But I love you, Miss Miyano."

A bitter smile spread across her face.

" Sorry." She replied.

There was an utter dull silence for the next few seconds, expect for the dull whirr of the fan blades.

" Miss Miyano. . ." he started, but was cut short at the sound of the sliding door opening, and both their heads whipped over to face the sound of the noise, and there stood Kudo Shinichi. Sanshriyuki's eyes widened as his eyes slowly moved from Shinichi to Shiho.

" . . .What's Kudo doing here?" he asked, trying his best to sound neutral.

" Remedial classes." The both of them, top-notch liars, said without a trace of hesitation. Sanshriyuki looked at Shinichi, then Shiho many times before clenching his teeth. It was remarkable how the two of them said it so plainly, yet seemed so fake at the exact same time.

He grabbed his bag, and walked towards Shinichi's direction.

" Goodbye, Miss Miyano." He muttered.

" Goodbye." She said.

Sanshriyuki glared at Shinichi for a second before shutting the door behind him. Shinichi frowned at the door, which now currently held the gap between him at Sanshriyuki. His head turned and looked at Shiho with raised eyebrows. " It's nothing." She said in an offhand sort of way. " Now lock the door, we don't want anybody walking in during class, don't we?"

He blushed and snapped the lock shut.

It seemed like an awfully naughty thing to do at the moment.

" Alright then," she said briskly, that calm and crisp voice she always used in the regular classroom. " You told me your. . .faults, and here I am to help you correct them. You first said that you were not good at looking or DOING. . .the languages of seduction?" There was not a quaver of nervousness in her voice, but Shinichi was almost fainting with embarrassment and nervousness.

She smirked.

" That's nothing to be shy about." She said, and he just blushed harder. She walked closer to him; so close that their noses were just inches apart, and closed in on him, pressing her lips on his ear, nibbling on it. He groaned out loud, and she stepped away, grinning.

" Well, you really ARE bad at it."

His face reddened.

" It's just because you had so much experience with it."

She raised her eyebrows.

" What are you talking about?" she asked. " This is my first time too."

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