Chapter 13: Twist

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Mizakan-sensei paid the woman at the counter and made his way back to the teacher's lounge, carrying his lunch in a styrofoam box in a plastic bag, which was held tightly by his left hand. He nodded at the two students who greeted him, and pressed the button on the lift. " Mizikan-sensei!" somebody called out from behind him. He turned lazily, and smiled as he saw a very pretty schoolgirl with a crutch under her arm limping over to his side.

" Hello, Akane." he said good-naturedly. " Has it healed yet?"

" It's getting better day by day." she said, nodding in thanks as he opened the lift doors long enough so she could limp inside. " I'm really sad I couldn't make it to the dance though. I was looking foward to dancing with you."

It was five days back when she had asked him to the dance with her. Not wanted to reject or hurt her feelings, he accepted. Ironically, just after he had bought his suit for the prom, she had told him that she couldn't go because she had sprained her ankle during her physical education classes. She was mature for her age, and he actually viewed her as an equal, and it felt pleasant to talk to her during his lonely hours. Maybe that was why he understood Shiho and Shinichi's relationship far better than others in the school.

" Maybe some other time then." he said to her.

She simply smiled back.

The lift doors opened and he helped her out. " Thank you." she mumbled.

" You're welcome." he said.

He waved goodbye to her as she limped away and he walked onwards to the teacher's office, and his eyes widened at what he saw.

" Sahshriyuki?" he called out to his student.


" What? You 're going with Yoro to the dance?"

Ran smiled bashfully at her shocked friend. Well, actually, shocked is too small and silent a word. More like stupified or some classy word like that. But that's another story, of course. " Yes," she answered, biting her lip, forcing a giggle as Sonoko's eyes widened even more. " Come on, it's no big deal. Shinichi already rejected me, and I have to respect his decision, no matter how much that hurts me. To say the least, I'm actually relieved. I was feeling suffocated by all the pressure of Shinichi and everything. . .I'm happy now, the way it is."

Sonoko just gaped at her friend. " Are you sure?" she asked.

Ran simply smiled. " Yes." she said.

Sonoko was about to say something before Ran cut into her sentence.

" Besides," Ran said cheekily. " I heard you were spending long hours with sexy water polo boy Sanshriyuki." she said. " Have you finally found your knight in shining armour? What would his mace be? A polo ball?"

" Oh, clam up." Sonoko snapped, flushing.
" It's not what you think it is."

" Right." Ran said sarcastically. " I believe you."

Sonoko opened her mouth to rebuke before smiling softly and nodded to herself. " I've grown very attached to him lately." Ran smiled at her friend silently. The two of them were sitting below a huge tree just outside of the school, their lunches in their hands. " I've got half the mind to ask him to the dance, but he's too crazy with someone to even give me a second glance."

" Oh?" Ran asked, angry for her friend. " Who is she?"

Sonoko sighed. " Miyano-sensei."

Ran's eyes widened.

" Her?" she asked.

Sonoko tucked her arms behind her the back of her head and leaed against the tree. " Just wish me luck to win him over."

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