Chapter 19: Who Are You?

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The announcer looked at his watch, chewing on his bottom lip. Kudo Shinichi still had not arrived. Almost everyone in the room knew the fact that if he did not come within the elapsed time he was to be bid for, he would be allowed to be bidded for the entire night or any other time at all. He raised his eyebrows at the crowd, almost hoping for a sign of the teenager.

But he was nowhere to be seen.

He sighed as he noticed some girls shuffle their shoes on the ground depressingly, some of them even taking out tissue papers to dab their now watering eyes. He nodded to himself, coming to the decision. " Since the fact that Kudo Shinichi has not arrived to the scene yet, I am sad to say that he will not be allowed to be bid for. Sorry for the disappointment everybody."

That line, in itself, was an understatement.

His eyes caught Shiho's, and he shrugged almost apologetically.

She raised her eyebrows but did not say anything.

Yet, somehow, something inside her was glad that Shinichi was not going to be seen in public hand in hand with some lovesick girl to the movies, the both of them sharing a stick of candyfloss.


Akai Shuichi was an undoubtably strong fighter.

Shinichi had never even dreamed of crossing fists with somebody who could stare down the devil himself with those cold eyes of his. Shinichi struggled up to his feet, panting, exhausted. Shuichi crossed his arms across his chest, nodding his head slowly, almost in self-recognition. " I haven't hit someone so many times before." he muttered to himself, rubbing his chin. " It's either that you are stronger that what I thought you would be, or making the impossible possible, I'm getting weaker."

Shinichi spat out blood, smirking at him.

" I'll choose the first option." he choked out.

" I think it's wiser to hope for the second." Shuichi said coldly.

Shinichi fell down to his feet once again as he felt a hard blow hit against the side of his head. Only pride was keeping himself from crying as he pushed himself against a nearby wall, and got to his feet. He looked at Shuichi, whose eyes were colder that he ever saw before. He let out a smile at Shuichi, earning himself a shocked expression. " I'm running out time, Shuichi." he said in a whisper, rubbing his aching sides. " This one will be the final blow."

Shuichi watched him with raised eyebrows.

" You can't make it." he said.

" Just watch me." Shinichi said.

How long the two of them stood there staring at each other, they did not know. But as Shishio finally lifted the cigarette to his lips and blew out in a whiff of smoke, the two of them burst at each other, fists raised, a blow coming across one of their faces, one falling to the ground, the other getting back to his feet, a triumphant smirk on his face.

Shishio smirked.

" Smokin'." he whispered.


" We'll have a twenty minute break before going for the females!" the announcer called. Shiho opened a shut eye before shutting it once more, her arms crossed across her chest, her lips pressed against each other tightly. Then she opened them again. " It's been like that for the last ten minutes," she muttered to herself depressingly. " Every time I shut my eyes, I see Shinichi standing before me. Can he just get out of my bloody head for one second?"

" Sensei."

She turned and noticed Sanshriyuki standing beside her with a rather sour look. She strained a smile. " 'Evening, Sanshriyuki." she said in a falsely cheerful voice. He ignored that and promptly stood beside her. The two of them stood there for some time before Sanshriyuki spoke up. " Do you want a drink?" he asked, offering her the drink that was in his hands. She shook her head tiredly.

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