Chapter 10: Akai Shuichi

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" Akai. . .Shuichi?"

Shinichi bit his lip as he watched the man before him walk towards him, a small smirk on his face. In ways he was so similar to Shiho that he had no wonder that they were engaged. That smirk, the way he talked, everything from top to bottom. But this man was cold; almost too cold. He just surveyed Shuichi for a short moment more before looking away, sighing.

" Are you angry with me?" he asked softly.

Shuichi raised his eyebrows, and looked surprised for a mere moment before grinning at him. " Not at all," he said, and Shinichi looked up. " To tell you the truth, in fact, I'm actually relieved."

" Relieved?" Shinichi asked, confused. " I don't understand."

" Of course you don't." Shuichi answered, lifting a cigarette to his lips, lit it, took a puff and blew. All this while while he did the following actions, Shinichi just watched him, puzzlement written all over his face. " But then again, you're just another one of the many schoolboys in this school who spend all hours of their days here trying to look up her skirt, am I not wrong?"

Shinichi felt a ripple of anger.

" No, I'm not." he said calmly.

Shuichi grinned, the cigarette leaving his lips for a mere second. " Oh?" he said, which sounded more like a mockery than a question. " Then no doubt that you're her boy-friend of some sort?"

Shinichi clenched his fists.

Shuichi noticed this, but merely smirked once again. " No matter," he said. " I thank you for that all the same."

Shinichi blinked. " Why?" he asked.

" By what that girl and you were talking to just now. . ."

" Sonoko?"

" That's the one. By what you were talking with her just now, it seems more or less that the two of you are together in a way. At least there's hope that Shiho would forget me as times goes along."

Shinichi's eyes widened, his mouth opening and shut like a goldfish out of water. Was this. . .really the man that Shiho was still in love with?

Was he really the one. . .

Who she wanted to pick up his phone?

He grabbed Shuichi's collar angrily, clenching his jaw as he glared at the man, whose eyes remained ice cold, although there was now a flame of anger and irritation in them.

" Let go of me." he whispered.

" Go to Hell." Shinichi growled out, but he merely flinched. " Who the Hell do you think you are?"

Shuichi said nothing.

" Do you know how much Miyano-sensei misses you?"

Shuichi shut his eyes.

There were almost tears in Shinichi's eyes now. " Do you know. . .how much she loves you?"

Shuichi snapped, grabbing Shinichi's fists and pushed him away. There was sorrow and pain in his eyes for a moment until it disappeared without a sight, and there was that cold smirk once more. " You don't know anything." he whispered. " So keep your nosey face out of our buisness."

" You. . ." Shinichi started, raising his fists to strike Shuichi, but no sooner had he done that when Shuichi turned around, hitting him square in the jaw.

Shinichi fell to the ground, gasping as he fell unconcious.

Shuichi just stood there, sighing. " I'm sorry." he whispered, before walking away.

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