Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

Ruth Eden Glass

I looked around the room, my stomach turning out of nervousness. The room was beautiful; with a large king size bed in the middle, an old-fashioned chest of draws and matching closet and an en-suite bathroom. But, the best part of the room was the large bay style windows that streamed light into the room – with the most beautiful view of the territory and the forest. My stomach turned again as I pictured myself living here, raising my baby here, having everything I wanted.

My stomach groaned for a third time – making me realise it was not to do with nerves and everything to do with the pregnancy. I dashed to the bathroom, bile rising up my throat as I dived towards the toilet. I wasn't quick enough and partially missed the toilet bowl – but I was too busy throwing up to care.

"Shit, Ruth?" Quinn said, rushing into my room before following the sounds of my retching to the bathroom. At seeing me knelt in front of the toilet, heaving my guts up, he quickly whisked in and pulled my hair out the way. "That's it" he encouraged, rubbing my back soft, "get it all out".

When my breakfast, lunch and dinner had successfully exited my body, I slumped back against Quinn with a shuddered breath. "Why do they call it morning sickness when it hits you all times of the fucking day?" I grumbled, closing my eyes as I took deep breaths to calm my still whirling stomach.

"It's due to the hormones in your body. It can be a good sign that the placenta is developing well and--"

"Quinn, quit reading those pregnancy books. Please, I beg of you" I groaned, as he helped me back to my feet.

He chuckled, "sorry. I liked to be prepared. Plus, I want to help you through all of this". I moved away from his hold and glared down at the vomit that had missed the toilet – my stomach turned just at the sight of it. "I'll clean this up, you go grab yourself a glass of water".

"I need to brush my teeth again".

"You should wait at least thirty minutes before brushing your teeth after being sick. The acid from your stomach will just get rubbed into your teeth otherwise. It'll dissolve the enamel and turn your teeth yellow". He pulled a bottle of mouthwash out from under the sick. "I brought this for you".

"Stop reading those damn pregnancy books". I pushed past him and to the basin, grabbing my toothbrush from the side and raising it. I paused for a moment, before sighing heavily and putting the toothbrush down again. Quinn silently handed me the mouthwash, before he began to clean the bathroom floor for me.

I then got ready for bed, showering and putting on my pyjamas – by then enough time had passed that Quinn told me it was fine to brush my teeth. I always gave him a glare for his efforts, but always following his pregnancy tips none the less.

My eighteen week scan was approaching fast, most of the weeks had been spent with me moving into Quinn's house. And, finally, after all the back and forth from my side of things, we were officially living together.

"You think you're going to be comfortable in this room?" Quinn asked, as I braided my hair. In the past weeks, Quinn and I had been spending a lot of time together – to the point that we were passed friend but nowhere near lovers. We had the kind of relationship where Quinn would clean up my vomit and tuck me into bed at night, but he still was nervous about sitting to close to me on the couch or giving me hugs. I had no idea what we were – more than friends but less that lovers.

"The room is really nice" I nodded, as I perched on the end of the bed. He sat on the window seat, watching me with a soft smile. "The view is beautiful".

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