Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

Ruth Eden Glass

Ken glanced up as I walked in. He was sat at his desk, which was positioned outside Quinn's office. Despite the fact it was almost nine pm, he was working. He blinked in shock at seeing me. "Eden are you alright? Is Quinn okay?"

"He's fine...I need to see Drew" I admitted. Ken gave me a judgemental look but I ignored it. "Quinn knows about it. But I need to".

Ken ran a hand down his face, looking worried. "I don't know what happened between you and your mate, Eden, Quinn hasn't told me anything. But, I ain't stupid, it's not good. I get that you want to see him, and I'm not going to stop you, but you're almost seven months pregnant and I don't want you in there with him alone".

"I'll keep the door open" I agreed.

I glanced to the door to Quinn's office – knowing that Drew was so close, but if I wanted to I could still walk away. I wanted to walk away. No, that was wrong, I wanted to run away. High tail it out of there and straight back into the safety of Quinn's arms.

Until Devon turned up to take Drew back to Black Bloods Pack – and keep him there – he was locked up in Quinn's office. I paused in front of door, hand holding out for the knob, took one last breath and pushed it open.

I expected Drew to be right in front of me, pleading to see his mate with whoever opened the door for him. But it was strangely silent inside the room. It unsettled me even more. I eased into the room – eyes looking over the couch before over to Quinn's desk.

Drew sat at Quinn's desk, holding a picture frame in his hands, his eyes misty with unshed tears. Drew looked different but the same as my memory. He looked like he did when we first started dating, a million miles away from the alcoholic mess of a man he was the last time we spoke.

"He was telling the truth" he said – voice hoarse and rough. I didn't reply and he finally looked up. Drew blinked, mouth gaping open, before he jumped up from the desk. He had thought I was Ken checking up on him.

I couldn't help but admire Drew. No matter how much he'd hurt me, he was still my mate and I would always be attracted to him. We were mates and – despite everything – I had loved him with all of my soul.

"Eden" he breathed out, dropping the picture frame and grabbing my hands. Electricity ran through my body as we touched; just like it did the first time we'd met and Drew had held his hand out to shake mine. "God, look at you" he breathed out, looking me up and down. As if they knew, the twins moved inside me – making the skin on my stomach bob slightly. Drew blew out a deep breath.

"I thought...I thought when Alpha Danvers said you were pregnant that he was lying. That he just wanted me to leave, that he was trying to hurt me.'s true...holy fuck it's true". I was rendered dumb as I looked up at him. Drew didn't seem to notice as he carried on monologuing.

"I know I fucked up, Eden, I know that I fucked up worse than anyone has ever fucked up ever. I can never undo what I did. I can never bring Abel back. But, I'm trying to make amends for everything. I'm sober, for a full year now, and I got a proper job in an office. The Commanders have even put me back onto Pack duties".

I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

"And I know things are different now, that you've changed as well. But I want to try again. I'll be better and I'll look after you and I'll never hurt you again. I know that it's going to be hard, getting over Abel, but I love you and we can do it again".

"I'm pregnant" I blurted out.

"I can see that. But, that's fine. I understand that you had to move on, but we can work this around. The kid can spend time between the two pack. Stay with us for a couple months, and then back here with Alpha Danvers and--"

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