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Alpha Quinn Danvers

"Quinn" Ruth called, making me look up from my desk. If my wife called me, I'd better get my ass up and see what was going on. Harmony and Serenity looked up from their spots on the couch in my office at hearing their mother yell.

"Keep working on those files, I'll be back in a moment" I told them, heading out my home office and down to the kitchen where Ruth was. She stood in the kitchen, looking ridiculously sexy in a green summer dress and heels – she knew that seeing her in green did something to me.

I gave her a soft whistle as she scooped things into her purse. "Damn my wife is fine" I muttered, looking her up and down. She gave me a mock look of annoyance, as I grabbed her by the hips and pulled her to me. She sighed heavily, pretending to be annoyed, but smiled softly as I kissed her gently.

She then pulled away and looked down at my suit with a pout. "Why aren't you changed? We have to leave in like ten minutes".

"Leave?" I cocked an eyebrow.

"Lydia's dance recital?" She gave me a 'duh?' look as I cussed myself for forgetting.

"Crap, I forgot". I glanced at my watch, "it's fine I still have time to change. I'll be quick and grab the twins".

I rushed back into my office, the twins still were I left them. "I forgot Lydia has her dance recital thing tonight. You both have five minutes to change and be in the car. First one who gets there doesn't have to do graveyard pack rounds with me tonight".

The twins took off like a bat out of hell. Harmony gave Serenity a shove as they reached the bottom of the stairs and she got called a bitch for it. "Language" I warned them, but they were already gone. Keeping up with one sixteen year old girl was hard, keeping up with two was damn near impossible.

I could hear the competitive two racing and taunting each other, as I quickly lost the suit and pulled on my 'dad uniform'. Ruth always teased me that I had two unofficial uniforms – the Alpha and the dad. The Alpha; suit pants, tucked in shirt and polished shoes. The Dad; faded jeans, untucked usually chequered skirt and working boots. Both were sides I loved and were proud of, so I didn't mind she teased me about it.

I was pulling on my one of my tan suede 'dad' jackets, as the twins raced past me and to the car. I heard Ruth tell them to slow down, which they ignored, as I followed them out. The twins were playfully arguing as we followed them – at a much slower pace – to the car.

"I was here first" Serenity told me instantly.

"She's lying Dad, I was" Harmony quickly argued.

"I'm a lying? You're the liar. I was totally here first and--"

"You were not".

The two bickered with each other, making Ruth look over at me with a raised eyebrow. "I wish you'd stop encouraging them to compete" she grumbled.

I smirked, "their Alpha's and more than that they're strong, independent, women who both like to win. This is always going to happen". I turned to the twins and smiled proudly at my beautiful daughters. "I didn't see who won, and obviously neither of you can decide, so I guess it's a tie and you'll both have to come on the graveyard rounds with me".

"Ah man" Harmony groaned.

"Not cool, dad" Serenity agreed, as they both climbed into the car – now grumbling about how unfair Dad was. I was training both girls to take over from me as Alpha, joint ruling, so I had begun to take them on Pack rounds with me. That night I was going on the 'graveyard' shift, which was midnight until four am; the quietest of shifts and the most boring usually. But they needed to see that being Alpha wasn't always telling people what to do and filling out paperwork. Sometimes it meant walking up and down a mile of Pack border for four hours, doing absolutely nothing.

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