Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen 

Alpha Quinn Danvers

I swept a red ringlet from her forehead, my stomach a bundle of knots. "I'm fine, Quinn, please stop worrying" Ruth assured me, her emerald green eyes glistening up at me. "I just fainted".

"You're six months pregnant, I am allowed to worry and fuss over you". I ran the back of my hand over her cheek – she was still clammy and hot, but I was sure that that was more to do with the heat outside than anything else. But, I still wasn't taking the risk. "The doctor is just going to give you a check up".

Ruth was silent for a long moment, sat on the couch with her hands in her lap. "I...I don't think I can see him" she finally said.

"Then you won't see him" I shrugged. "I'm the Alpha and I don't give him permission to enter the territory. I will get one of the Commanders to come from Black Bloods and escort him home".

"I didn't tell him" Ruth's mother blurted out, standing up from her seat on the other side of the room.

Ruth offered her a sad smile, "I know you didn't".

"Really, honey, I swear I didn't. I know how happy you and Alpha Danvers are and I would never want to ruin that. You've been through so much with Drew that I wouldn't want you to have to face him again. He must have heard the rumour and then followed me when he realised I was coming here".

"Mom, it's alright, I know you wouldn't have told him".

I turned away from Ruth's mother and to her. I sat down on the couch next to her, placing my hand on her knee, as a knock came on the door. "I'll get it" Ken said, awkwardly from the other side of the room. Since he'd arrived, and told us of Drew's arrival, he'd hung back awkwardly – awaiting my instructions, in that moment he wasn't my best friend but my Beta. And I was grateful.

Ken returned from the door with the doctor in tow. "She just fainted from shock" I explained to him, "can you just check her over for our peace of mind".

"Of course Alpha" the doctor nodded, before heading over to Ruth and perching on the couch next to her. He checked her over, double checking the babies heart rates, before deeming she was fine – but he'd do a scan tomorrow if we wanted it, which we decided was fine and we might as well to be safe. After the doctor left, I relaxed slightly.

"Can you guys give Ruth and I a few moments alone?" I asked politely. Drew gave me a thump on the back, and a nod at Ruth, before following the doctor out the front door. Ruth's mother decided to go back to her car and pick up her suitcase, leaving the two of us.

"I don't think I can see him" Ruth repeated, as I sat back down next to her. I threw my arm around her shoulder and pulled her into my side, she fit perfectly against me as she sniffed.

"I know, baby, I know". I kissed the top of her head, squeezing her a little bit and trying to hide my fear. Drew was – and would always be – Ruth's mate and the one she'd loved since she was a child. They were meant to be together and I was terrified that she would go back to him, so a part of me was happy she didn't want to see him.

I had only just gotten a chance with the woman I loved, I was terrified that it was going to be cut short before it had even started. I ran my hand over her stomach, feeling the twins move slightly, as I tried to push my white-hot fear away. "I don't want you to see him either" I blurted out.

Ruth blinked up at me, eyes glassy with unshed tears. "".

"I know that's completely unreasonable and completely out of line. But that is how I feel. I don't want him to see you or our daughters. I don't want him to make you question us and I sure as hell don't want him to hurt you while you're pregnant with my girls".

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