Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Alpha Quinn Danvers

Ken was a BBQ freak. Any time the temperature spiked over a hundred Fahrenheit, he got out his grill and donned his once-white apron. Not that I was complaining, because Ken did the best catfish and combine that with Diana's homemade grits, and it was a damn southern party in my mouth.

I wasn't the only one who loved Ken's BBQing skills. Half the damn pack smelt that meat and came running with their tongues hanging out. We all sat around eating and drinking beer in the warm evening. I sat on Ken's porch, sipping a beer, when I heard Ken and Diana arguing inside the house.

I frowned, finding the fact that they were arguing with guests around unusual. People could hear them in the garden, so I got up to tell them to take it somewhere else. But, as I drew near to their patio doors, I finally heard the words they were saying.

"You made her cry!" Diana hissed angrily.

"I only made a joke" Ken argued back.

"Great, now you fucked it up for Quinn" she snapped. I came to a stop hearing my name. I frowned as I listened to their conversation nosily. Part of me knew it was wrong to listen to their arguments, but then again, I was their Alpha.

"I didn't fuck anything up. If anything, I just made her hate me".

"I gave you one thing to do, get Eden here for Quinn and you couldn't even do that" Diana shouted at him. Anger coursed through my body when I realised what was going on – they were trying to set Ruth and I up and in the process, they'd upset her.

I pushed the door open, hands clenching into fists, as they turned towards me. They both looked shocked, and then bashful, for being caught. Diana must have seen my anger because she instantly tried to calm me. "It's not what you think Quinn. Just let us explain".

"No need. I heard enough" I growled – my voice held my position and my dominance. I didn't often use my position of power, I didn't like to dominant people below me. But I was furious with Diana and Ken; my supposed best friends.

"Quinn we were just trying to help" Ken tried to reason with me, using a voice that made it seem like I was the one in the wrong.

"How dare you try to manipulate me. I don't want anyone to play matchmaker, especially not you two dammit. If I wanted a romantic relationship with someone, I will initiate it. You two are way out of line" I shouted. I knew everyone in the party could hear me, but I was furious.

"But that isn't even the worst part of this" I yelled. "In your scheming you hurt a sweet, innocent, girl who was just minding her own business. She has only just joined this pack and now you have made her feel isolated and upset".

"Quinn, we didn't mean to. We just wanted you happy, we know you like her" Diana replied, sighing heavily. I didn't reply, just shook my head at them, before turning and walking back out to the garden. Everyone looked up at me in shock. I was a gentle and calm person usually and most of them had never heard me raise my voice.

"Party is over. All of you head home" I yelled, as I moved through the garden. I walked through the territory, heading towards my house, before I stopped. I paused, thinking of Ruth. I hated the idea that she was upset and especially when it was partially my fault.

So, I changed direction and headed towards her cottage. I thought over everything I was going to say to her as I walked, but when I got there and knocked on the door – everything went out of my head. Ruth opened the door, her red hair like a flaming mane around her porcelain skin. Her eyes were red rimmed from tears and she had a large woollen blanket wrapped around her.

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