•Chapter II•

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I made Titan and I a light snack, which ended up being sandwiches. We then both fell asleep in the bed, once I'd showered, which Titan raved about, saying it was 'like being in marshmallow land'. I don't think he remembered sleeping on something soft, where you couldn't feel springs in your back or weren't on the floor.

I smiled when I woke up beside him in the morning, brushing his hair behind his ears. I should probably cut it soon.

His eyes fluttered open, "Mornin', Daddy."

I smiled brighter. "Want pancakes?"


I went downstairs, searching for a little to find everything I needed to before making food for four. I heard Titan walk down with who I assumed was Aki, placing all of the condiments I could find on the table.

"G'morning," Aki yawned tiredly, rubbing her eyes. "Papa left really early, but he should be back eventually."

I nodded. "Does he always go out early?"

"Mhmm. Most of the time. He works hard."

"I'll wake up earlier for him." I commented to myself.

"Does that mean you'll leave me early?" Titan asked, and his voice almost made my heart ache.

"I'll stay as late as I can." I replied, messing up his shaggy hair.

Titan pushed my hand away. "Nooooo, Aki doesn't like messy!"

Aki started fixing his hair. "Did you sleep well? Papa didn't sleep at all. He had to put on his wake up make up."

"The bed was super comfy!" Titan sang happily.

I laughed lightly. "Your Dad has wake up make up?"

"Mhmm. He has bags that make him look really tired, so he covers them up so he looks awake," Aki explained.

"Ahh, he must work really hard."

"Yeah." She smiled sadly. "He works a lot."

"Do you usually have breakfast with him?"

"On special occasions like our birthdays, Thanksgiving, the first day of school, Valentine's Day, and Halloween." Aki began straightening the centerpiece.

"Daddy always eats breakfast with me," Titan said, "because it's rare and special when we eat breakfast."

I frowned. "Not anymore, okay? We can eat normally now."

"Yay!" Titan threw his hands up excitedly. "I'll eat with you, Aki!"

Aki stared at the table. "That's nice."

Titan frowned this time. "Your Daddy would be here if he could. He's busy fighting so that you have food. And hot water."

"I'm used to it. It's just that you're going to leave eventually and I won't have a friend anymore." Aki started tracing the grain of the wood.

Titan took her hand and squeezed. "I'm gonna stay forever and ever if Daddy will let me."

"Maybe Mr. Eren could be Papa's friend. Everyone says we look scary, so it's hard. The kids at the playground made fun of my eyes, so I stopped going."

"I think your eyes are really pretty." Titan says honestly. "Daddy, will you get Mr. Levi to be your friend?"

"I'll try my best."

Aki moved the corners of her mouth up slightly. "Mr. Eren, do you think Papa and I have weird eyes because they don't match?"

I knelt down to her level, taking her hands in mine and saying honestly, "I think you and your dad have the most beautiful eyes, because it's perfection twice over."

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