Chapter 3

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Sylvia's POV:

I resented being here. I was forced away from the people I knew the place I grew up in. Yeah, I wanted to apologize to the king and queen for what I did, but that doesn't mean I wanted to leave my home forever.

I was walking down the hall. People were avoiding eye contact with me and I don't blame them. I had a scary glare, not caring what happens. I didn't want them looking at me. I just wanted to get to the wand, return the necklace, and get out of there.

Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned back to see it was my roommate; Jane. My face relaxed lightly, I needed to get on her good side because I need to get the wand.

"Hey. What's up?" I asked.

"I... I figured you would get lost. I thought you could use a tour guide. Or possibly a map?" I smile lightly and thanked her.


She was in chemistry class, looking over the information and writing down notes. She was also thinking of the plan. It made her shake at the thought of everyone hurting,

"Can anyone tell me how to find the atomic mass of an element?" When the teacher looked over to see no one was raising their hand. "Sylvia?" I looked up lightly.

"To calculate the average atomic mass, multiply the fraction by the mass number for each isotope, then add them together." His eyes went wide and he cleared his throat.

"Correct." I smiled and looked down, writing down a few more notes. As I wrote down a few more things that helped me with this stuff. As I did, I heard a voice come from next to me.

"Hey. I'm Charming. Chad Charming. And you are-" I cut him off.

"So not interested." He was in shock. I heard someone chuckle from behind me.


I looked around the school, people came to my locker, there were a few students with Jane. I was confused. Walking up to them, I asked what they were doing and I was stared at. as Dude, Evie has Chad's homework or any type of studying, Mal has her plotting. Me; I have just trying to fit in. I've been working hard in my goodness classes, and my normal classes. So far, I have been doing good, I wanted to talk to Harry, I feel a little alone.

I wanted someone to talk to, but I was able to see him terrorize some people in the island. That made me feel better. He was still the same old Harry, he wouldn't change. But I feel like he would hate me if he knew how I felt know about the plan, about the way I'm changing, or the way I feel about him.

Sighing, I just wanted to see him more, but I never took off his bracelet, not even to sleep. At the end of the month was Prince Ben's Coronation and tonight, was a plan to steal the wand. They're gonna be in shock when I say I don't want to do it.


Carlos was playing a strange game on the television, Jay was looking at his loot. I was just sitting there, reading up on my remedial goodness lessons.

"Okay. So, you could do that, or you could leave all of this here and pick it up when we take over the world." Mal said and I started to tune out until she started to make a big speech that made Jay stop playing, Evie look scared, and Carlos pout. This is our one chance to prove ourselves to our parents. To prove that we are evil and vicious and ruthless and cruel." I was about to stay something until Evie took out her mirror.

"Mirror, mirror on the... in my hand, where is fairy godmother's wand... stand?" I was silents until they were about to leave, I had to tell them.

"I'm not going." They all look back in shock. "I don't want to steal the wand, I don't want to go back to the island, and I don't want to ruin the one chance I have here," I state with pride.

"But our parents-" Mal started, only to have me cut her off.

"You're parents! They don't care about me. And I question sometimes if they care about any of us. Here, I have a chance to be better. So... I quit. I quit being your co-leader, I quit your gang, and I quit being evil. But I hope... We can still be friends." She states, walking past them.

"What about Harry?" I froze in my tracks. "What if he heard all of this, what would he think?" I thought for a second. I thought all of it through. Is it worth the risk of losing him? Turning back, I kept my frown.

"He would hate me forever." Pushing my red hair back and I left the room, not bothering to close the door, knowing they would be leaving soon. I just left for the center of the prep school.


I look at the beast statue, looking for some kind of sign this was right. I sighed and looked at the bracelet on my wrist. (ORIGINAL SONG COMING)

SYLVIA: Is it bad, that I choose, to be good? [I look down at my books] Is it bad, to choose a path, of misunderstood. I just want to be the best me, that I can. But apparently, nobody can understand. [I stand up and walk to the statue, clapping my hands and it turned to human] I'm torn between my heart. I feel like I'm being torn apart. Others want me to be bad. But it makes me feel happy and sad. It's like I was born a mix. I just wish there was a quick fix. But no. [I clap my hands again and it turns to beast] I'm torn between good and bad. It makes me feel happy and sad, I'm torn between good and bad, this tear is driving me mad. I wish I had a sign, from... the great divine.

I sigh and pick up my books and walk away, looking back at the statue and sighing as I walked away. I just sighed and looked to the stars.


Reading up on my chemistry, I felt four shadows cover me. Looking up, it was the VK. "Plan not go so well?" They all sat down in front of me as I continued reading.

"Look, I know you're mad at your parents for abandoning you here, and I know you don't like the fact that our parents only focused on us, but that doesn't mean you have to stop being evil." I shake my head and go back to reading, ignoring Evie's words.

"Look, the truth is, we need your help." I looked up to Mal. "You know our parents will kill us if we don't complete this mission." I also know they can't reach us from here. "We found out that if I become Ben's girlfriend, I could be next to him at the coronation. I can grab the wand and we can all get out of there." I groan at the fact of a love potion.

"Look, if it works, we can make an extra for you and Harry." I look at her a little scared, I hated using my powers for this. But they are my friends, they did save me a lot, so did Harry.

"All right. But if you fail, you have to be good from now on. Got it?" They all nod and they place their hands in a circle, smirking an evil smirk.

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