Chapter 9

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Sylvia POV:

I was running, running down a stone path. Suddenly, I wondered why I was running. "Hello? Hello?" Turning around, I saw I was in a spiderweb dress with a matching crown and a veil over my face. My hair wasn't the usual half black half red, it was ombre toxic green and white. I had my extra arms out, four spider-like legs poking out of my back. "What... What is this? I don't know what the hell is going on?" I shakes and heard a voice from behind me.

"It's time to choose your husband." Turning back, I saw a dark figure. The arms open. To the left, I heard a 'hey love' and it was Jackie. To the right was a 'Ha Ha' and it was Harry. I was about to speak until a third voice came from behind.

"Damn, I thought I was hot." Before she could turn around, she heard someone else calling her name. It was over and over, repetative calling with different voices.

"Mal? Jackie? Evie?"


I opened my eyes to see the VK along with Jackie, Ben, Dude, Queen Belle, and King Beast were in the room surrounding me. I pant lightly, rubbing my eyes before sighing.

"Wha- Where's everyone? Where am I? Ok. that is the most cliched question ever. More to the point, why is the king and queen in my hospital room and even more importantly, why are my legs numb?" I ask, looking to everyone in the room.

"Well, I didn't understand the medical mumbo jumbo. But something about a bad fall, the knife, some bruised nerves. Basically, you won't be able to use your legs for a while without the risk of damaging them more." She pushed her hair back before Jackie held her hand.

"How long is a while?" I asked.

"A month. Two tops." Sylvia groaned and pinched the bridge of her nose. She pushed herself in the upright position and sighed.

"So I am gonna have to go to the coronation, in a wheelchair?" She sighs. "I just wanted to wear the dress Evie made with a little flare. Too bad I can't grow a pair of extra legs." Suddenly, I felt something move in my back. "Is there something going on with my back. I feel something-" I was cut off when two large spider-like legs sprouted out from my back.

When another set of legs popped out, I started stuttering out words. "I-I-I didn't know I could do that. Can... Can they go away?" With that, they slid into my back again and I was in complete shock. "Well, that's a new power." She chuckles and leans back, sighing and rubbing her forehead.


3rd POV:

Everyone left except for Queen Belle and King Beast. She tried to eat something, but her stomach wouldn't let her.

"So, you're the girl who we left on the island?" She asked and Sylvia nods as she placed her hair in a ponytail. "We are so sorry. We didn't know what would happen but we had to-"

"Protect your son. I don't blame you. I'm not mad at you. I remember... Giving Ben that scar on his wrist. I remember destroying a nursery or two because of temper tantrums. And I was crying so much I'm surprised that you were able to get any sleep." She says in between breaths, smiling.

"With all the trouble I caused and the fact I looked like a spider demon, I'm surprised you didn't send me to the island the moment you found me. I don't blame you. And I held on to that necklace because you guys... were the first true parents I've ever had."

Belle wiped her face of tears when the doctor came in, she smiled when she heard that she would be discharged the day before coronation. In her mind, she thought that was great because then she could stop her friends from making a big mistake.

"So, what happened... After we left you on the island?" She asked and Sylvia finished her sandwich, wiping her face.

"It was hard at first. Maleficent, Evil Queen, Cruella, and Jafar kinda took me in, but they saw me more as a way to make money and possibly do their bidding. Whenever I cried, they would send the fear of evil into someone to take care of me. But one thing I always kept with me; that necklace. I remember whenever someone tried to take it, I would 'spider out' on them and they would be too scared to touch it." The two of them giggled.

"I also always kept on this sense of wonder in reading. I remember seeing a blurry figure reading, always reading and I would try to copy it. Then, after a while. I became leader; well co-leader; of one of the most feared gangs in my part of the island. Then I got a second chance." She smiles and Queen Belle smiles before the door opened. It was the doctor with a big smile.

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