Chapter 5 - The Aftermath

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All of a sudden, I became very tired. All of my energy was spent. I would have collapsed right then and there if it wasn't for the fact that I was riding on the high of talking to Joe. I walked around and tried to find Gio, who had actually knocked it out of the park with Joe. I found him and tapped him on the shoulder. He was talking to three people and pardoned himself from the conversation when he saw that I was behind him.

"What's up? Is everything ok?" Gio seemed very concerned about my well being.

"I'm fine...In fact, I'm way better than fine." I smiled really wide and I tried to catch it by throwing my hand over my mouth.

"I told you that you too would get along." He pointed at my grin.

"Ok, you nailed this one. But he just left, so I think I'm gonna go home. I'm spent."

"Alright, go home. It was nice of you to come. I'm gonna have more of these so, if you want to come, you're invited always."

"Ok. I just might." I chuckled as I waved goodbye. I walked outside to start the walk to my car when I hear some arguing. I look around and in the darkness, I can see some inside car lights on. It's in the direction I'm walking, so I decided to investigate a little more without causing a disruption. As I get closer, I can hear what they're saying.

"Will you just get in the car, please?"

"No! I wanna stay!"

"Come on, man. You know we can't have you around other people when you're like this."

"I WANNA STAY! I WANNA STAY!" One of the men was slurring his words. But, there seemed to be two men trying to get him into the car. Could this be Joe and his two friends? I got a little closer and I saw Joe's head pop up from behind the car. He seemed slightly out of breath. I didn't want to intervene, but I did want to talk to Joe some more. So, I walked over.

"Do you need some help?" I asked. Joe seemed shocked to see me.

"Oh, hey! No, I don't think you can help him. He's a bit of a lost cause." I look at the friend who is very obviously drunk. He is lying half in the car and half in the street. No wonder Joe seemed out of breath, he was trying to pick up his friend and put him in the car.

"Hey! HEY!" The drunk friend, who I now remember is named Jake, is trying to get someone's attention. We all turn to him to hear what he has to say. "You!" He points to me.

"Yes?" I asked getting closer to him.

"You stole our friend all night! Bitch!"

"HEY!" Both Joe and his friend yelled at Jake.

"I'm so sorry about him. This is exactly why we can't have him around other people right now." Joe's last sentence was directed at Jake who stuck his tongue out at him. "He just got dumped, so we thought going to a party would help him, but he just found the alcohol and drank it all; all night."

"Oh, that's awful," I said. "Can I try something?" I asked. Joe nodded his head.

"Be my guest." He gestures toward Jake and I squat down next to him.

"Hey, Jake?" Jake flops his head over to face me. "Hi, listen. I know I was a bitch all night, but your friend here," I gestured toward Joe. "really knows what's best for you. And he wants you to get into the car." Jake flops his head away from me again. I look over at Joe who just shrugs. "Also, Jake. If you don't get into the car, I'm just gonna sit here with you all night. Just you and the bitch who stole your friend." I sat down next to him with my arms folded as I talked. We sat there for a second before he flipped over and crawled into the car.

"Let's go." He slurred. Joe's friend shut the door behind Jake to make sure he couldn't get out again.

"That was... wow. Thanks." Joe said, completely flabbergasted at what just occurred.

"No problem," I said. "Just get him home safe."

"But, he called you a bitch. Why do you care about him getting home safe?" Joe's friend asked.

"Well, he didn't mean it. I would feel the same way if I went out with some friends for comfort after my heart was broken, and someone steals one of my friends away." I turned toward Joe. "Sorry, I didn't know. I wouldn't have kept you so long if I had known."

"You didn't know, it's ok. We've been with him every day for almost a week, so it was nice to get away from him for a bit." He smiled at me. Even in the darkness, I could see his eyes and they seemed to glint in the light of the streetlamp and seemed almost to burn from within.

"Goodnight." I smiled.

"Goodnight." He replied. I walked down the street smiling ear to ear. When I got into my car, I shut the door behind me and I rested my head on the steering wheel. After a couple of seconds, I start the car. The song that comes up on the cd was "Somebody to Love". I must have just started it again before I left for the party. I listened to it for a minute. I took notice of the bass line especially. John Deacon's bass line. I smiled again. I started to pull out of the space.

"God, I love LA," I say to myself.

Somebody to Love - A Joe Mazzello FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now