Chapter 48 - Joe's Birthday

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A couple of days later, it was Joe's birthday. I decided to wake up earlier than him and make him breakfast. So, I set an alarm on my watch that I wore throughout that night. When it went off, I got up slowly, trying not to disturb him. He was sleeping so peacefully and soundly. He looked like a little angel. I turned the knob of our bedroom at a snail's pace, trying to open the door without making a sound. I closed it behind me. Successful in my quiet mission. I walked into the kitchen and began cooking the food.

I wanted to make a variety of items. It would probably end up being too much food, but I didn't care. He deserved it. Plus, he didn't want any presents this year. It made me sad that I wasn't allowed to get him anything, but it forced me to get a little more creative. This was a great way to show how much I loved him.

I began cooking the sausages and bacon. Knowing that the scent of the bacon would fill the apartment and probably wake him up. At the same time, I started a couple of pancakes, without milk because he's lactose intolerant. I turned the foods a couple of times, hoping to get them perfectly seared all over.

And just as I suspected, I heard the bedroom door open and Joe trudged into the kitchen. Sleep still in his eyes as he tried to figure out what was going on. He ran his hand through his hair as he observed what I was doing.

"Good morning," I said in a chipper tone. I took the sausages out of the pan and placed them onto a platter. I took a couple of eggs and began to crack them open into a bowl. Joe came up behind me.

"What's this?" he asked. His hands wrapping around my waist. His head resting on my shoulder. I finished cracking the eggs and picked up a fork to whisk the eggs together in the bowl.

"Happy birthday, old man," I said. Kissing him on the cheek.

"35 isn't that old," he replied. Planting a couple kisses on my neck as he watched me stir the eggs. I chuckled at his joke.

"Well let me tell you, you don't move like a 35-year-old," I remarked with a smirk.

"Who knows, I could have slowed down in the last couple of days," he joked. He knew exactly what I was talking about.

"You better not have," I said, a little louder than before. He laughed.

"I'm glad you enjoyed my present as much as I did." He kissed my neck again before pulling away and grabbed the plate of sausages. He grabbed a couple of plates from cabinets and a couple forks and knives. "I'll take these to the table," Before I could argue, he was gone. I kept cooking. Constantly turning and pushing the scrambled eggs, finishing up the bacon and pancakes, and plating each food when they were done.

I brought it all into the living room. It took two trips, but I was more than happy to bring him the food. His face lit up when he saw it all sitting in front of him. Knowing it was all for him. I smiled wide as well, knowing that he was actually enjoying my 'gift'. We began eating. I thought the food would be too much, but it ended up being the perfect amount. Joe devoured it. Eating like mad. When we were both done, he looked at the time and realized we had to go. We quickly got ready and ran out to the car.

This was my first day on set with the new director. I had let the boys get used to him before making my presence known. I didn't want to assume that the new director would be okay with me coming to set. Joe had asked on the first day, and Dexter was happy to oblige as long as it didn't interfere with Joe's work. But, it still took a couple of days for me to get up the courage to come to set.

When we got there, everyone seemed to be in an overall happier mood. The crew seemed excited to be doing even the little things for Dexter. Everyone seemed happy with the new choice of director and it made me happy to see. Joe walked me onto set and brought me right to Dexter. He tapped him on the shoulder.

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