Chapter 22 - Going Clubbing

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About 15 minutes later, we decided to leave for the club. I could tell that Joe was still really into my look as his hand never left my side as we walked to the elevator. He was holding me close and making sure I didn't get too far from him. When the elevator doors opened, we walked into the empty elevator and pressed the lobby button. Once the doors closed, Joe went right back to kissing my neck. He had brushed my hair away and pulled me in front of him. His arms, once again wrapped around my waist, pulled me as close to him as possible, making it easier for him to kiss my neck.

I stood there giggling at the feeling and the thought of Joe not being able to keep his hands off me. I looked up at the numbers and realized we were getting close to the lobby. I pushed him away and grabbed his hand. I also put one hand on his cheek and looked into his eyes.

"Do you think you can keep your hands off me for more than 15 minutes this time?" I asked through a huge smile.

"No." He replied with a smirk.

"Well, you need to try," I winked at him and the doors opened. We walked hand in hand down the strip. I was pointing out all the different hotels and how they glowed in the nighttime. Joe kept looking over at me and kissing my cheek every once in a while as we stopped to look at certain lights. I even pointed out Caesar's Palace and told Joe that was where I bought the dress.

Joe led us to a club that was several blocks away from our hotel. Nothing awful, but it was a bit of a walk in heels. I could tell my feet were going to be killing me when we would have to walk back later tonight. The club had a huge line out the front door. People were waiting to get in and I looked at Joe hoping he had a backup plan.

"Hold on," He said as he pulled me toward the front. I almost fell over with the amount of force he was pulling with. I regained my balance just as we landed at the front of the line in front of the bouncer. Joe let go of my hand and talked to the bouncer. He checked his list and I looked back at the number of people in line. If we had to wait, we might as well go home. Then, a thought popped into my head. What if any of these people knew who I was? What if they knew who Joe was? What if they put two and two together and started to spread that we were dating? I knew I was sure that Joe and I wouldn't break up anytime soon, but it was still too early to announce it to my fanbase.

Joe came back up next to me and put his arm around my waist one more time. He pulled me toward the door gently and the bouncer opened the rope for us.

"How'd you do that?" I asked. "Did he know who you were?"

"Come on, I'm not that famous." He laughed. "I called ahead and managed to get a reservation. To make sure we got in. Wasn't too hard, but being in a big movie does help." He smiled to reassure me that nothing sketchy went on. He just wanted me to have fun so he made sure we could get in.

As we walked deeper into the club, the music got exponentially louder. I began to see lasers and lights shining wildly around the room in all shades of colors. Bright and vibrant and shining in everyone's faces. The music was very loud at the back of the room, but the closer you got to the dance floor, the more you could feel the vibrations in your chest. There were a worrying amount of people jumping and dancing on the dancefloor to the music that had no words or lyrics. Just beats. I moved my arm to grab Joe's waist for comfort. I could feel my heart beating faster as it did at every crowded party.

"Are you alright?" Joe asked in my ear so I could hear him. I thought about it for a minute.

"I...just need a drink." He nodded and we moved over to the bar. Thankfully, it wasn't too crowded at the moment and we each got a seat on the reflective stools that were lit by the blue glow coming from under the bar tabletop. The bar was entirely lit up in blue lights, nothing blinding like the dancefloor, but subdued and calming. Something that seemed very out of the ordinary for a place like this. The music was still loud, but near the bar was the quietest. But it was still ever present.

Somebody to Love - A Joe Mazzello FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now