Chapter 13 - Letting It All Out

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I needed to talk to someone about Joe. I just needed to get out all of these feelings. I picked up my phone and called Gio. He answered within the first two rings.

"He-llo," He answered with a chipper attitude on the other end.

"Hey," I answered quietly.

"Well, long time no see. Look who's completely dropped me after I hooked you up with the best guy in the world." I laughed.

"I'm sorry. He's just all that I can think about and I kind just want to talk to someone about him, so I was wondering-" I was cut off.

"I will gladly talk to you about your love life, where and when?" I told him to come to my apartment and I gave him my address. Within 30 minutes, Gio was at the front door of the building. Pressing the buzzer over and over to annoy me until I buzzed him in. I could hear his footsteps down the hall. He was running to my door. After a very loud knock, I let him in. He walked right past me and plopped down on my couch.

"Well, come on in and make yourself at home." I closed the door and walked over to the other chair in my living room. I sat down while Gio laid on his side, putting his hand under his cheek and rested it on the armrest.

"I'm just too excited to say hello," He said smiling from ear to ear. He sat up on the couch and clasped his hands together on his lap, leaning on his elbows. He fidgeted a lot when he was excited and could barely sit still. "Tell me everything! What was the first date like? What did you guys talk about? What does kissing him feel like?" He gasped. "What's he like in bed?" I nervously laughed.

"I..." I felt weird saying it out loud. "I haven't slept with him yet." I showed a shy smile as I looked up at him. Gio's mouth hung open.

"You haven't had sex with him yet?" I thought he wouldn't be this shocked. I shook my head. "You have a guy that looks like that, falling all over you, and you don't sleep with him the first chance you get?" I laughed and shook my head again. His face went from surprise to sadness. "Is this because of Johnathan?"

"Kind of, I guess." Johnathan was one of the first guys Gio had set me up with. I was a sophomore in college and he was Gio's friend. Apparently, Gio had hyped me up way too much to Johnathan and he wanted to meet me and go out possibly. I agreed to go on a date and he ended up saying all the right things. When he took me home to my place, I invited him upstairs. I was a virgin at the time and I thought he would be a good guy to lose it to. We had sex, looking back it wasn't the best, but I still lost my virginity. We went out a second time and ended up at my place again. But this time when I took my clothes off in brighter light, he started criticizing my body. Asking if I had gained weight since our last date, poking my sides and stretch marks, pinching my stomach fat (the stuff I was the most sensitive about), and making fat jokes at me all while we were kissing. I came to my senses and told him to get out and I never saw him again. But, what he said about my body stayed with me. Gio told me later that Johnathan called him up and complained about Gio setting him up with a 'fat cow'. I knew I wasn't that fat, but I wasn't a supermodel either. Things like that stay with you, and I was worried that would happen with Joe.

"He's not like that. You know he's not." I nodded.

"I want to try to sleep with him on Friday. We're going out again and I just want it. More than ever with a guy." Gio smiled wide and nodded his head giving me a pervy look. I pulled a pillow off the ground and threw it at him. "I asked you here to talk, not to be judged." We both laughed. "I just..." I sighed, "I like him so much. You actually did a good job with this one."

"I know. I knew you would like him." I smiled. "But trust me, if he had been gay, I would have been all over that. But, it makes me happy that he's with you. Not like that other bitch." I raised my eyebrow at him. What was he talking about?

"What?" Gio looked at me and I could see the wheels turning in his head.

"Oh. He hasn't told you about his ex." Gio sat up a little straighter.

"No. Why would he? It's kinda weird to bring up an ex in a brand new relationship." I laughed, but I needed to know about her now. There was a silence. "Is it something I should be worried about?" I was too intrigued now.

"No," He spoke softer now. "You're not like her at all. You shouldn't worry. Let him tell you when he's ready." I nodded. He hit my leg with his hand. "So tell me what you guys do after your dates. Since you're not in there." He pointed toward my bedroom. I swatted my hand at him.

"Well, we've been having some heavy make-out sessions in his car. But, that's just about it." I relaxed in my chair. I could feel my face flushing again and I threw my hands over my face to cover it. "He's just so hot and kind and just amazing." I started to shake my head furiously. I pulled my hands away. "Every time I'm with him, I feel like nothing in the world could make me sad. He makes me feel so special. It's just the little things, you know. Like he holds doors open for me and he always makes sure that I'm comfortable with what's going on. And he calls me pretty and beautiful every chance he gets." I put my hand over my mouth as I could feel a terribly wide smile coming on. "No one's done that before."

"No one's called you pretty before?" Gio replied. I could tell that he didn't want to stop me, but he needed to interject there. He couldn't help himself.

"Well, of course other guys have, but not like him. He says it so naturally like he really means it. With everyone else, it just felt like they were just saying it to get into my pants. He says it like its an undisputed fact and he would fight anyone who thought differently, you know?" He nodded and I kept smiling. "He's just so good to me. The thought of him leaving to film his new movie breaks my heart. Even going a couple days without seeing him is torture. I just want to be with him and feel his thumbs rubbing the back of my hand when I get nervous and feel his warmth around me when he hugs me, and" I sighed again and closed my eyes. "Even feel his hot breath and scruff on my face when we're kissing. All of it. It's all stuff I can't live without now." I opened my eyes and looked over at Gio. He had a small smile on his face. "What?" I laughed.

"I haven't seen you this happy in a really long time." We sat there in silence for a couple seconds and then I started talking again. I tried to put everything I was feeling into words, but it was almost impossible. Joe made me feel things I had never felt before; things I couldn't describe. But, Gio (being the wonderful friend he is) sat there and listened to me ramble on about Joe for the next 45 minutes. We laughed and smiled and he asked me more questions about what it was like to date him. When Gio had to leave, I got up and hugged him.

"Thanks for listening to me. I know I rambled a lot, but it was good to get all of that out of my system." He held me tighter and then let go. He grabbed my arms and looked me right in the eyes.

"You can call me anytime to do this because I know you did it for me many times." He patted my arm and made his way toward the door. "Oh," he turned around to face me again. "And I want to know what happens on Friday. You have me way too invested now." He smiled and gave a little laugh before leaving.

I was alone again, something I was liking less and less. All I could do with my time was playing out scenarios of how Friday would go. I wanted it to be perfect because Joe was worth nothing less than perfect.

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