Chapter 44 - The Haircut

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The next set of scenes they filmed were a bunch of crowd scenes. Concert scenes. It required a lot of extras, a lot of work with their instruments, and a lot of attention to their outfits and hair. During those days, there was a hair and makeup trailer. A place where all of the actors would go to get their hair and makeup done. It became like a big hangout for the cast and crew.

They would always have music playing to pump everyone up. It was always some classic rock or some peppy, happy song to wake people up or get them pumped for the day's tasks. I would sit behind Joe as he got his wig on and makeup done. I would usually sing along to the music and play on my phone. Julio, Joe's hair stylist, would make small conversation with Joe as the wig and makeup would come together and form his final look.

I would also talk to Julio a bit. Making jokes and small talk while he worked on Joe. It would usually take about a half an hour before they would leave to begin filming. I would usually leave with him and watch him film those concert scenes. Waiting in the wings and cheering him on. I was allowed to be as loud as I wanted because no matter how loud I was, the crowd would always be louder. But, today, I stayed behind in the trailer for a little bit. Joe sat up from his chair and looked back at me with his long Deacy hair. He reached his hand out for me to grab and followed him to set.

"You coming?" he asked with a smile.

"Maybe in a second," I said with a smile. "Just want to send this last email. The reception in here is better than on the stage." Joe shrugged.

"Okay, I'll see you out there." We exchanged smiles and he left the trailer. I finished sending my email. It was responding to a company who wanted to sponsor my next video. I explained to them my situation and how I had pre-recorded all of my videos. I worded it very delicately in hopes that they would want to sponsor me again in the future when I could actually make a video for them.

I hit send and looked around the trailer. Julio was walking around, putting away some of his supplies. Rami was still in his chair getting his nose prosthetic and teeth set on. I stood up from the couch and stared at myself in the mirror. Staring at myself like that made me realize that I hadn't gotten a haircut since I started dating Joe. My brown, slightly wavy hair now fell just past my breasts.

Over the past couple of weeks, I would only have it up in buns or ponytails to keep it out of my face and out of my way. It was becoming very annoying and I wanted it gone. I was hoping this wouldn't happen because I didn't know any hairdressers in London. I started to push and pull on my hair. Trying to push it into submission to look better than it was. I sighed at my reflection.

"You look fine, don't be so hard on yourself," Rami said from his chair. He glanced over at me as his stylist messed around with his wig. I gave him a small laugh.

"I know I look fine, I just think my hair is too long. I haven't had it cut in over a year. It's super long." I pulled at the ends of it. "It's getting annoying. I think I just want it gone." I said with another laugh. Rami got up from his chair and patted my back.

"I'll see you out there," he chuckled. He left the trailer. I didn't know it, but Julio was listening in to our conversation. He watched my poke and prod my hair.

"Do you want me to cut it?" He asked. I turned and looked at him. Shocked at his suggestion. I quickly glanced back at myself in the mirror coming to terms with how long my hair truly was. I had a choice in my head. Keep the long hair and be annoyed every day or get it cut right now and be happy with the newfound freedom. I chose freedom. I turned back to Julio.

"Would you do that for me?" I asked, twirling the ends of my hair around my finger.

"Sure, I've got nothing else to do for a while. It would be fun." He gave me a small smile.

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