Chapter 34 - Live Aid

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The extras were places on the concrete in front of the stage. I was positioned near the front because my outfit was one of the best to fit the time period. They did say that they probably wouldn't focus in on me for close-ups which was perfectly fine with me. They instructed us on what to do. We were to sing along with each of the songs that they played and then clap along to Radio GaGa. All of the extras were Queen fans, so we all knew what that meant. We were also instructed to look like we were having the time of our lives. I felt like they didn't need to tell us that. We were seeing a perfect recreation of one of the most iconic concerts in the history of music. We were going to have the time of our lives no matter what.

We stood out on the strip for about 20 minutes before they told us that they would begin shooting. There were about 1,000 of us, but whenever any crew member began talking, we were silent. Before we knew it, the 'band' was bounding up onto the stage. We began cheering with all our might. People throwing their hands in the air and screaming into my ear so loud that my eardrums almost burst. But the thrill of seeing them up there was unlike anything I had seen before. It was the mixture of the stage and the many Queen fans around me mixed with the actors who looked like carbon copies of the originals. But, I was a special extra. While everyone else out here knew that Brian and Roger were somewhere backstage, I was the only one who got to meet them. I was the only one dating someone on the stage. And I was the only one who knew how much work had already gone into this movie.

I began screaming at the top of my lungs. Something I didn't do often for fear of wrecking my voice. But, I didn't have to sing anytime soon and I could let loose. I watched Joe like a hawk. Don't get me wrong, I watched each member eventually, but for the first run, my eyes were only on Joe. I wanted to see how accurate he was with Deacy. How many little things did he get right? I watched and I played the Live Aid set in my head. I wanted to remember as much as I could about the concert I had watched hundreds of times. Hoping that they would do everything right. But, I didn't realize how accurate they were making this.

At one point in the original Live Aid set, Deacy spins to look at the drums and then spins back. It's one of my favorite Disco Deacy moves. And Joe did it. Perfectly. Like he really was Deacy. It left my mouth open with awe. I began to watch Rami to see if he did every little movement of Freddie correctly. And he did it all to a T. Everything was perfect and I had all these emotions welling up inside me. I wasn't going to cry; I wouldn't let that happen. But, I was just so happy. So happy that I was in this spot at this exact moment doing exactly what I was doing. Then, Radio GaGa came up again. We began clapping along with the song and screaming the lyrics without a care about the person in front of us not being able to hear the next day. While I was clapping, I saw Joe look at me. The first time in a couple runs. His eyes were smiling as he sang the backing vocals as John would have. Our eyes locked on each other and the thousand people around me melted away.

They ran through the set a countless number of times. Each time seemed better than the time before. This was what they were filming first and it made me excited for every scene to come. When we came to our last run through of the day, just before the sun had started to set, the extras dispersed. They were thanked and set home. I needed to stay to see Joe, so I hung around backstage again. I was walking by trailers to see if any doors were open to possibly say hi to anyone, but they were all cooling down from a long day of work. They didn't want anyone stopping by. I stared at the stage. It was completely empty. Not even a crew member was walking by it. They must have all been on a break of some sort before leaving for the day.

There was a voice in my head telling me not to go on stage. Not to take another looked at the set. But, I didn't listen. The first time I didn't care what was right. I just needed to see it. This was probably why they had sent the extras home, they might have been worried they would do this exact thing. But, I needed to go back up there.

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