Chapter 15 - The First Time

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Warning: SMUT (This is my first time writing smut ever. So, read at your own risk.)

On the car ride to my place, I let Joe have control. He placed his hand on my leg, and it didn't leave until we hit my building. I knew I was going to be comfortable with whatever he did with me, so I let him take the wheel. We both got out of the car. I took a deep breath. I couldn't believe this was finally happening. He stopped and turned to me, putting his hands on my hips one more time.

"Are you sure you want this?" Him asking me if I was sure made me want him even more. He cared so much about me. My heart started to beat faster.

"Yes, so badly," I answered kissing him. His hands moved to my ass, grabbing it quickly before breaking away. Just enough to leave me wanting more of his touch.

"Me too," he replied, breathing a little harder than before. I broke away from him and grabbed his hand, leading him to the front door of my building. I opened the door and led him to my apartment. Opening the door, I fell inside, wanting to be with him as quickly as possible. I threw my purse down and the keys on my counter in the kitchen. Without turning on a light, I started kissing Joe. My hands, once again, draped over his shoulders and his hands on my hips as we stumbled around. One of his hands leaving my side to find a light switch.

"I need to find a light," He said with a smile, millimeters from my lips. I broke away and turned on the light. It was a couple feet from where we were standing. I only turned on one light so the apartment was still very dim. "That's better," he said cupping my face with his hands and pressing his lips into mine once more.

His hot breath and nose pressing into my face got me going. My heart began to race faster and it just made everything between us hotter. I grabbed his hand and pulled away from the kiss, pulling him into my bedroom. I closed the door behind us and found my way over to the lamp on my side table in the dark. I turned on the lamp which flooded the room in a dim yellow light.

I looked over at Joe, standing at the edge of the room. His chest was rising up and down with his breathing. I began undressing him with my eyes as I walked over to him. This was it. What I had wanted to do for a month was here. And he wanted it too. I could feel it. I moved over to him slowly, I wanted the tension to build. I got closer and closer to him, and I softly planted my lips on his. He threw his arms around me and picked me up and placed me onto the bed, lying on my back. I chuckled softly beneath the kissing and smiled into our next kisses.

He broke away and started kissing my neck, his stubble tickling and teasing me the entire time. His hand was tracing up and down my sides while my hands were holding onto his back and sides. After kissing and sucking on my neck for a minute or two, he lifted his head up and whispered into my ear.

"I've been waiting to get this dress off you all night." I started to blush and I felt a pit rise in my stomach and I could feel my pulse all over my body. I grabbed my glasses and took them off, placing them on the bedside table. I knew they would only get in the way. He continued kissing my neck, pulling the shoulder of my dress down my arm. I pulled my hands down to my belt and undid it. I knew the dress would be coming off soon, so I would just make it easier for both of us. I threw the belt over to the side of the bed and I tried to sit up. I kissed him on the lips one more time.

"Hold on," I whispered into his lips. He backed off and I slipped the dress off. As I stood up to take it off, he sat down on the bed, resting his head and back against my headboard. Once I threw the dress down, I realized what I had done. Now was the moment of truth. Would he like my body and stay, or hate my body and leave? I turned toward him, looking more vulnerable than ever. No glasses, standing in my underwear waiting for his response. He let out some heavy deep breaths as he looked me up and down.

Somebody to Love - A Joe Mazzello FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now