Chapter 4

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(All pictures, products and if I make allusions to anime, series and games do not belong to me)

Lincoln/Epsilon POV

I am currently patching a compaction to get clear thoughts. Lisa and Lucy are here I do not know how to find it, luckily they do not know that I am their brother. I shake my head to get rid of these thoughts. I'm repairing a piece of Rapture just to give the Little Sisters a nice place to feel safe, a few would probably say what the idea is supposed to be? Well there is only one access to this floor and that is the elevator and I have changed the password so nobody can go up here, just me and the Little Sisters, since they can climb the ventilation shafts. I know that Tenenbaum also has a safe place, but he is not really child friendly. I even made play equipment for them out of old stuff, they have a slide, swings and a few beds. I seal the condensation and turn around and see my work.

(Without the people, could not find a better picture, you can imagine the place so

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(Without the people, could not find a better picture, you can imagine the place so. Only there are a big slide, a few swings and a few beds.)

I go to one of the "Hiding Holes" and knock on it, a few minutes later Ava comes out saying "hello big brother." I say "Groan (Hello Ava, I have a surprise for you and your sisters.)" I lift her down and she says, "What is it, what is it?" I laugh easily and guide her to her new sanctuary. When she sees the new place, her eyes grow big and she hugs me on my leg and she says, "Is that the big brother's surprise ?!" I nod and she gets a big smile and runs straight to the chute, it warms my heart to see her so happy. I look at Ventilation Bay and see some Little Sisters, I signal that they are coming closer and that they are allowed to play, they also start to smile and start to play.

Lisa POV

"Doctor Tenenbaum, do you have any files about this here?" Tenenbaum answers "Yes, they used to be in the lab, but I got them all brought here." I say, "Good, because I have to have some more data on all this before I can do anything." Tenenbaum shows me a few file cabinets, I go to the filing cabinets and open one, these are files about the Big Daddy's. I take a file and open it, it says:


Name: Johnny Topside

Gender: Male

Size: about 2.00 meters

Big Daddy Series: Alpha Series

Big Daddy name: Subject Delta

Embossed Little Sister: Eleanor Lamb


Alpha Series? What does Alpha Series mean? I turn to Tenenbaum and ask, "Doctor Tenenbaum, I have a file here about a Big Daddy named Subject Delta, but here's an Alpha Series Big Daddy, what's an Alpha Series?" Tenenbaum says, "I remember him saying, After Suchong was killed by a Big Daddy, Gilbert Alexander continued the research, and the research eventually culminated in the creation of the Alpha Series, a physical bond to a single Little Sister similar to an emotional father-daughter relationship.The name Big Daddy comes from the then laboratory staff. The first successful Big Daddy was Subject Delta.

The peculiarities of the Alpha series, however, were curse and blessing at the same time. On the one hand, they protected their Little Sister. But if this was killed, which was quite possible, they both moved too far apart or the Little Sister was freed, the Big Daddies went mad or fell into a deep coma. For this reason, the bond was waived and a condition introduced to any girl."

"How many types of Big Daddy's are there?" Tenenbaum says, "There are the bouncers: Bouncers have an unusual helmet that covers almost the whole torso, it has several small windows in it, and on the right arm is a very conical one The name comes from the type of attack, bouncers rushing in and ramming the opponent with full physical strength, and he can use the drill to punch them hard.

Then there are the Rosies:

Rosies wear a heavy helmet with three round windows. This guy is a pure ranged fighter because he uses a rivet gun and contact mines. He also carries out sewing attacks with the rivet gun.

Then there are the Rumbler:

The Rumbler is also a ranged fighter. He uses mini turrets and a rocket launcher. This type was designed to fend off entire splicer hordes as numbers of crazed splicers and craving for ADAM steadily increased.

And there's the Lancer:

The Lancer is a thinner, slightly bigger guy from Big Daddy. He wears a decorated diving suit and uses an ion laser as a weapon. According to the Minervas Den records, the Lancer is the most developed Big Daddy in Rapture. In battle, however, no difference to a bouncer or Rosie is recognizable until just the weapon."

I wrote everything down and am really surprised that there are so many types of Big Daddy's. I look through some other files and after a while, we all hear a gasp, we all turn in the direction of the sound and I see Lucy standing there with a file in her hand, she shivers and it looks like that like she's about to cry. Lucy turns to Tenenbaum and says, no rather screams "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE ?!" Lucy wants to beat Tenenbaum, but I hold her back and say, "Lucy calm down, what's gone into you." Lucy calms down a bit and says, "These people have done something very bad." I ask, "What did they do, it can not be worse than anything we've heard so far." Lucy gives me the file and says "Look at yourself." I open the file and what I see makes my heart stop.


Name: Lincoln Loud

Gender: Male

Size: 1.80 meters

New name: Subject Epsilon

Big Brother


"What have you done?"

To be continued.

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