Chapter 5

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(All pictures, products and if I make allusions to anime, series and games do not belong to me)

Lisa POV

"What have you done?" I ask Tenenbaum, she looks at me confused and says "Lisa what do you mean?" I say with rage, "I mean that you have turned my brother into this Big Brother thing!" she takes the file out of my hand and looks through it. Tenenbaum leans against the table, sighs and she massages her temples and says "That was not me, Lisa." Lucy says "WHO THEN ?!" Tenenbaum says "It was an old colleague of mine, her name was Sofia Lamb." I ask, "What happened to her?" Tenenbaum says "Subject Delta and Epsilon, who, as we now know, are your brother, have them paid for their actions, Subject Delta wanted to kill them, but Epsilon stopped him, he talked him into a certain he said to him that they would not be any better than they if they did." Lucy asks, "What happened to this Lamb?" Tenenbaum answers "We do not know, we only know the Delta and Epsilon did not kill her." Lucy turns and makes her way to the elevator, I ask "Lucy what are you doing?" Lucy replies, "I'll look for my brother now and apologize for what I did, no, we did." Jack asks with a raised eyebrow "What have you done?" I sigh and say, "We called our brother Bad Luck, we were afraid of him and we banished him from all family activities and we threw him out of the house, he had to sleep outside, one day he disappeared and there they have Most of us saw their mistake." Andrew asks, "Who has not seen his mistakes?" Lucy says "Our sisters Lola, Luan, Lynn and Lori." How could I be so stupid? I lost my brother because of such a stupid thing, I go to Lucy and say "I'm coming with Lucy." Me and Lucy want to get into the elevator but are stopped by Jack, who says, "If you go down there, you're dead." Lucy says "And what should we do, mister, I know everything better." Jack sighs and walks into the elevator and says, "I'll come with you."

Me, Lucy, and Jack are just running through the corridors of Rapture, and Jack always has his gun at the ready to fight the splicers. We are coming to a room but something seems strange. We hear a noise and a splicer comes from above and falls on Jack. Jack struggles, but the splicer does not give up either. Two more splicers come up behind me and Lucy, who grabs one Lucy and she screams "AHHH", the other one wants to grab me but stop her when they hear a melody.

One Splicer says, "No, why is he coming, he's just helping Little Sisters, Big Daddy's and Big Sisters, why is he coming here?" I also wonder why he would come unless ... I smile lightly and say "Because we are his little sisters." We hear a race in the corridor and a red light coming towards us. The big brother comes out of the corridor and groan's "GROAN" he hits the splicer that came up to me with his arm where the knife is and cuts him in the head, he goes to the splicer that holds Lucy and attacks him the throat and stifles him, the last splicer tries to run away but the Big Brother shoots him with his drill. The Big Brother helps Jack on his feet and wants to leave but Lucy says "Lincoln wait!" Lincoln stops and slowly turns to face us, the porthole of his helmet lights up yellow, Lucy asks, "What does that mean?" Jack answers, "Yellow means Neutral, Green means is friendly, and Red means angry, so never make him angry."

Lucy says "Lincoln please, I apologize, I'm sorry I treated you like Bad luck." I say "Please Lincoln we apologize for what we did, I want, no, we want to get our big brother back." Lincoln wants to leave but I and Lucy hug him from behind, which does not seem to bother him because he just keeps running, but Lucy says "Please Lincoln." I say "Please Lincoln, I know you still see us as your little sisters." Lincoln stops and I say "Otherwise you would not have come and helped us." We stop for a while until Lincoln turns around and hugs me and Lucy. Lucy and I start to cry as we hug back, Lincoln groans quietly "Groans." We hear a voice that says "He says "I forgive you"" we turn to the voice and see one of those Big Sisters and on their backs is a Little Sister.

To be continued

(Sorry for the short chapter I'm currently in stress with learning.)

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