Chapter 9

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(All pictures, products and if I make allusions to anime, series and games do not belong to me)

Lincoln POV

I'm sitting at the dinner table with my family and I have to say, damn, that's weird. I was eleven years old and I'm back now, most of my family look at me with a sad look, Lori too and her daughter looks at me with curiosity. My dad asks me "So ... Lincoln how are you?" I say "Uh, I'm fine, thanks for asking." I just keep eating, that's so damned weird. After such a long time with my family to sit at a table and eat with each other. Luna asks with a sad voice "So bro, where have you been all the time as you .... ran away?" You realize that it's hard to say it out for her, should I say the truth? I mean, lying does not get me any further so I'll give it a try. I say, "Luna, I did not run away." everyone, from Lucy, Lisa and Mom look at me with confused glances. Leni asks, "You did not run away, were you just invisible all the time?" Oh Leni, she has not really changed from that time, I say "No Leni, I was not invisible." Lana asks, "What happened to you then?" I say "I was kidnapped." Luan lolls and says, "Good joke, would not we have somehow got a ransom note?" Mom gives Luan an angry look and I say "That was no joke, I was really kidnapped, but not for ransom." My dad asks "For what then?" I say and point to me "Has not anyone asked why I wear a diving suit?" Layla raises her hand and says, "But me, why are you wearing a diving suit and why were you so angry when you saved me?" Mom asks, "What does she mean by saving, Lincoln?" I wanted to explain the matter, but Lori says "Layla was taken hostage by three bandits, Lincoln jumped behind the guys and turned them off and I also want to know why you're wearing a diving suit." I sigh and say "After being kidnapped, I was taken to an underwater city called Rapture, I was used for the Big Brother project, the Big Brother is the protector of the Little Sisters, and now you're wondering what that all means right?" Everyone nods and I say "It's like that ....."


After a while of telling, I say, "That's all I've come back to Rapture, and what I know about Rapture." I look at my family and most of them have sad looks on their faces. Only Lynn, Lola and Luan do not, Lola says "As if that's true." Mom screams "LOLA!" Luan says, "Sorry Mom, but that sounds too elaborate, I mean an underwater city called Rapture, and there are monsters and little girls collecting some kind of fluid, that just does not sound right to me." I just sit there quietly, but Luna turns her hand into a fist and says, "How can you say that ?!" He is our little brother, our little brother, who was kidnapped for us and turned into some kind of monster. " Monster, seriously? I am a subspecies of the Big Daddy's, namely the Big Brother. I say to Luna "I'm not a monster Luna, I'm a protector." Luna puts her hand over her mouth and asks, "Did I just call you Monster?" I say "Yes you have." Luna lets her head hang in mourning and says "Sorry Bro." I say "It is not a problem Luna." Lynn gets up suddenly, stretches and "Now that mom and dad can not punish me anymore because I've moved out and I'm grown up, I can finally say the truth." Luan asks, "What do you mean?" Lynn breathes in and says, "Well, I may have lied at the time I called Lincoln Bad Luck so I did not have to admit that the other team was better than me." When I hear that I get really angry, but keep my coolness. But that does not apply to my mom, her head is red with rage, she screams "LYNN LOUD JR! You just want to tell me that you called your brother Bad Luck just because you did not want to give that someone was better than you and you do not even regret it?!" Lynn shrugs her shoulders and says, "No I'm not doing Mom, Lincoln's fine, he's sitting there and he's not mad at me, right Lincoln?" When she looks in my direction she is greeted by a fist in the face, she flies to the ground and I shake my hand, she says "What the hell Lincoln ?!" I say, "That's what you deserve." she beats me in the stomach, then holds her hand in and I say "Not very smart to beat someone in a diving suit, which is mostly made of metal." Luan laughs a bit because of my sentences, but then she realizes something and Lola too. Luan says, "Wait, does that mean ..." Lola says "That we hated him for nothing the whole time ?!" They both run to me and hug me and say, "Sorry Lincoln, please forgive us!" I stroke both heads and say "I forgive you, Lynn I forgive you too, but we'll need a longer walk than the others."

To be continued.

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