Chapter 7

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(All pictures, products and if I make allusions to anime, series and games do not belong to me)

Lincoln POV

Do I want to see the others again? I mean they are still my family, but they have already caused me many problems. Was it really asking too much to do what I wanted? I'm happy here, but would I really like to see the family again? Oh, you know what, forget it. I say "I want to see the others again." Lucy says "Really?" I answer "Yes, I want to, but if soon, we can actually use the submarine you came with immediately." I turn to Eleanor and ask, "Are you coming out without me for a while?" Eleanor puts a hand on my shoulder and says, "We'll do it, Lincoln." Two Little Sisters come to me and hug my legs and say "Please do not leave us Big Brother" I stroke their heads and say "I will not leave you, I'll come back." I turn to Lisa and Lucy and say "Can we go?" Lisa says "Yes we can." I say "Wait a minute, we should let Tenenbaum know." I get my communication device out and call Tenenbaum, I give Lisa the device and the voice of Tenenbaum sounds "Hello Epsilon?" Lisa says "No, this is Lisa." Tenenbaum says "Lisa what's up, why did you get the communication from Epsilon?" Lisa replies "Me and Lucy got on with our brother again and we wanted to let them know that we wanted to visit our family." Tenenbaum says "It's alright Lisa and Epsilon, if you hear me have fun." Tenenbaum hangs up and Lisa says "We can go." Me, Eleanor, Lisa and Lucy walk to the dock station of Rapture.

After a while we arrive at the dock stations and Lucy and Lisa go anboard from the submarine. I say hello to Eleanor, just when I want to go into the submarine grab me something on my arm and turn around, it's Eleanor who says "Lincoln wait a minute, I have one more thing to do." I ask "What do you need ...." I was cut off by her kissing me on the lips, I'm in shock for a moment, but I kiss her back. After a minute we stop kissing and she says, "Come back quickly." I say "Will I." I go into the submarine and see how Lisa and Lucy look happy to me, I say "Do not even think about it." Lisa asks, "What are we thinking about?" I say, "I have no desire, now the whole ride, to hear from you how sweet that was." Lucy says "Come on Lincoln it was cute and you finally have a girlfriend Ronnie Anne." I say, "I never loved Ronnie Anne, I did it just because of Lori." Lucy says "Oh that would explain why I saw Ronnie Anne the day she disappeared kissing another boy." I feel the submarine start to move, it will be a long drive. The whole ride we talk about my life in the Rapture, how I have gone, what Lucy and Lisa have achieved everything and how the rest of the family is. The ride was quite boring in itself.

After about two hours we will come back to the surface. It's really a long time since I saw the surface the last time, I had to protect my eyes from the sunlight. I get off the submarine with Lisa and Lucy behind me, some people look at me weirdly, I can not really blame them, you do not see a man in an old diving suit, white hair and scarred face from a submarine every day climb.

"Come on, I think it would be best if we go home to mom and dad first." Say Lucy, me and Lisa nod and we start running. Most people in the street give me weird looks, as I said, I can not blame them. We walk for a while until I hear something "Mommy help me!" this is a little girl and I hear an older male voice "Shut up, little bitch." I look in the direction and see the police standing around a group of three men with storm masks, one of the men has a little girl hostage. A crowd of people has gathered around the event, I put on my helmet and my porthole starts to glow red, my melody starts to play. I should not kill the guys, the girl would not stand that, the Little Sisters can not because they see the situation in Rapture. Lucy and Lisa see what I'm up to and Lisa says "Lincoln is waiting!" but she was too late, I sprint, leap over the crowd and land on one of the men, the other turns but is greeted with a fist in the face, the last one with the Scourge turns to me and says, "Who are you?" I say "GROAN (let the girl go.") He looks at me in confusion and points his gun at me, I shoot the pistol with my drill, the pistol is thrown out of his hand by the drill and I catch my arm from the gangster. The gangster lets the girl go, I run to the girl pick her up and take her away from the guy. The guy is arrested by the police and his compatriots too. The girl says, "Thank you, dear metal man." A blonde woman comes out of the crowd and takes the girl in her arms and says "Layla you're fine, thank god, thank you." Lucy and Lisa come through the crowd and both say "LORI!" I can not believe it, that's Lori. Lori asks, "Lucy, Lisa, what are you doing here?" Lucy asks me, "Are you alright?" I give her a thumbs up, Lori asks, "You know this guy?" Lisa says, "Lori, this guy is Lincoln." I take off my helmet and say "Hi long time not seen." Lori's eyes widen and she says "Stay away with your bad luck, that my daughter has become a scourge is certainly your fault!" I say angrily "MY DEBT! I just saved your daughter and you say it was my fault!" Lisa says, "Lincoln calm down." I say "No, I'm not calming down now, Lori, you're behaving like a little kid, do you know that?" Lori says "I behave like a little kid ?!" I answer, "Yeah, who else would fall for something like bad luck, you just believe that because Lynn can not believe she lost a game." Lori says "If that's how it is, why did you never say anything?" I say "Because I wanted some time for myself, I also explained it but you did not listen to me." Lucy says "Lincoln we should go." I say to her, "Yes, come." I go with Lucy and Lisa, we leave Lori behind and I still hear Layla ask "Mommy who was that?" Lori says "This was Lincoln Loud, your uncle."

To be continued.

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