Chapter 8

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(All pictures, products and if I make allusions to anime, series and games do not belong to me)

Lincoln POV

Me, Lisa and Lucy are now at my old home, on the way here I was staring at the whole time, but as I said I can not really blame them. I do not know how mom and dad will react to me, will they be angry? will the two be happy? Lucy and Lisa go to the door and knock, we hear "I'm going to the door mom." someone opens the door and a twelve-year-old Lily is standing there in the door, she hugs Lisa and Lucy and says "you're back again how was it?" Lucy says, "It was very nice." Lisa says, "Yes, it was interesting." Lily notices me now and says, "Uh, who's the big metal guy?" From the house comes another voice that says "Sweeti, who is it?" Lily says, "It's Lisa and Lucy and they have a sort of guest with them." I recognize the voice, as that of my mom, she comes to the door and says, "What do you mean with a kind of guest ..." She stops when she sees me and asks "Lisa, Lucy why there is a man behind you an old diving suit?"

Lisa and Lucy are scratching their heads and you realize that they are thinking about what to say, I have to admit that I do not know what to say in this situation. Mom says "So, I expect an answer?" Lisa says "Well, me and Lucy got to know Dr. Tenenbaum in an underwater city called Rapture, in Rapture there are so-called Big Daddy's and Big Sisters, only there's a Big Brother and that's him." Mom asks, "Why did you bring him here then?" Lucy says, "Would you believe us if we told you this is Lincoln?" Mom starts crying a bit and says, "That's not funny Lucy." Lisa says, "We are serious." Mom turns to me and asks, "Lincoln, is that you?" I take off my helmet and say "Hi Mom, it's been a while." Mom jumps on me and hugs me, I'm shocked, but hug her back. Mom says, "Where have you been, where?" I answer "As the two said, I was in an underwater city called Rapture." Mom asks, "Lincoln, why did you run away ?!" I do not quite understand, ran away ?! I say "I did not run, I was kidnapped." Mom keeps me tighter and keeps saying, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." I hug her back and stroke her over the back.

After about a minute, Mom lets go of me and puts a hand of her on my cheek and asks, "What did they do to you?" I answer with a sad look "It's a long story Mom, we should discuss that inside." Mom says "Of course, come in." Mom goes into the living room, me, Lisa and Lucy follow her while Lily is still standing at the door, with a confused expression on her face, she asks "Can anyone explain what's going on here?" Mom sighs and signals Lily to sit next to her. Lily sits next to Mom and she says, "Lily, you're wondering who the person sitting there is, right?" I say, "Hold on, you never told her about me." Mom says, "We do not want to give her the false hope that you were kidnapped, we thought you ran away, I must say I did not blame you for what we did to you." Lily says, "What do you mean by that?" Mom says "Lily this is your brother." Lily's eyes widen in shock and she looks at me with disbelief in her eyes, she says "I have a brother, why did you never tell me that ?!" Mom says "Because he was abducted because of a stupid mistake we made, we did not know how you would handle it." you look at Lily, she does not know what to do, so I go to her, kneel in front of her and say, "Hi Lily, I'm Lincoln, your big brother." Lily's eyes start to cry and she hugs me and says "Welcome back!"

For a while, I'll tell them what happened in Rapture when I was there, they were amazed, horrified and surprised. Lucy says "Lincoln also has a girl just before our departure." I am blushing a bit and mom says "Ahh my baby boy is finally growing up!" I say "Mom, that's embarrassing." Mom says, "Sorry, but I'm just glad you found someone." We hear a car drive up and some voices, the door opens and a voice says "Hey Mom, we're home." We all turn in the direction of the voice and see the rest of the family when they see me all have a shocked face, most can not believe that I'm sitting here, they all say "LINCOLN ?!" at the same time. I close my ears, put my hands away from my ears, and say, "Well that will be interesting"

To be continued.

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